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Hitagi Senjougahara

аватар поста:

Autumn picspam

Warning! The post is image heavy yet pretty senseless, read at your oun risque :3 Внимание! Пост перегружен фотками и практически лишен смысла, читать на свой страх и риск :3 All I've been doing lately is riding a bike with a camera and some figures and as a result I have bunch of pictures. I'...

TomatheSpook | Личное | 17 окт 2011

аватар поста:

Birthday presents part 1

Received my bithday package a week ago, but couldn't make pictures since then (the truth is that it's usually already dark outside when I manage to drag myself out of the bed and the lighting is too bad), but today I've built another light-thing, so tadaaaaaaaam! :3 Got Hitagi and Natsume from HLJ...

TomatheSpook | Фигурки и куклы | 24 апр 2011

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