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ORI x Gathering Sailor Cosmos

ORI x Gathering Sailor Cosmos

1/6, Resin, E2046

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Е2046

I bought the pre-painted Gathering statue from 3 separate times. I bought 1 in 2017 (stolen by my roommate in 2019) , my second statue was stolen by my ex husband, and in 2023, I bought and received a new one! It has now been upgraded to include joint magnets and a stable base. Statue 1 arrived broken in 3 pieces, statue 2 was destroyed when it fell off my shelf, and statue 3 I currently own as of June 30, 2024.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos & Chibichibi

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos & Chibichibi

1/4, PVC, ABS, Individual sculptor

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001,, 83000¥

Beautiful statue!

Figuarts Zero chouette Sailor Cosmos -Darkness calls to light, and light, summons darkness-

Figuarts Zero chouette Sailor Cosmos -Darkness calls to light, and light, summons darkness-

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Proxy Service, 12100¥

I pre-ordered my Sailor Cosmos figuarts zero chouette statue from a proxy serve way back on February 4, 2024. It arrived in my house in the middle of May 2024. The full review of my Sailor Cosmos statue was released to my Sailor Dreams Tracy YouTube videos on June 30, 2024! This is a beautiful statue!

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Cosmos ~Antique Style~: Usagi & Luna 〜Special Color〜

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Cosmos ~Antique Style~: Usagi & Luna 〜Special Color〜

Bandai Spirits

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Ebay, 700¥

I also have the Ichiban Kuji full display from the lottery in Japan of this! I absolutely love this vintage styled Usagi statue!

Figuarts mini Eternal Sailor Moon -Cosmos edition-

Figuarts mini Eternal Sailor Moon -Cosmos edition-

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Proxy Service, 2970¥

I absolutely love this tiny version of my full size Eternal Sailor Moon Figuarts! Mine is still fully mint condition! The reason it costs way more for me was because I bought the Sailor Moon Figuarts Mini, the Super Sailor Moon Figuarts Mini, the Eternal Sailor Moon Figuarts Mini, the Sailor Chibi Moon Figuarts Mini, the Super Sailor Chibi Moon Figuarts Mini, AND the Princess Serenity Figuarts Mini at the same time from the same seller.

Figuarts Zero chouette Eternal Sailor Moon -Darkness calls to light, and light, summons darkness-

Figuarts Zero chouette Eternal Sailor Moon -Darkness calls to light, and light, summons darkness-

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Proxy Service, 9900¥

One of my accidental buys! I was trying to pre-order the Sailor Cosmos Figuarts Zero Chouette statue, and in a hurry, I ordered Eternal Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Chouette statue instead! I don't regret it! AND I got as awesome discount since I ordered my on Black Friday! Yay for the win!

StyleDoll Super Sailor Chibi Moon

StyleDoll Super Sailor Chibi Moon

ABS, POM, PVC, Polyester, Nylon, PE, PP, PUR, Bandai

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Proxy Service, 5280¥

I've held onto this doll since April 2022 AND it's still mint condition! I love this doll!

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal ~Eternal Sailor Guardians~: Eternal Sailor Moon & Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal ~Eternal Sailor Guardians~: Eternal Sailor Moon & Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon

Bandai Spirits

Покупка: 30 ноя -0001, Amazon, 680¥ let this be a 2-day free shipping! Worth it!

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