From the slice-of-life comedy anime 'Non Non Biyori' comes a Nendoroid of Hotaru Ichijo also known as 'Hotarun'! She comes with a mature smiling expression, a childish crying expression and the daydreaming expression she often had around Komari-senpai.
As a 5th year primary school student she comes with her ransel backpack, and she also comes with two of her self-made Koma-chan dolls - one to hold up in the air and another to hug! A special background sheet to recreate more scenes from the show is also included. Be sure to display her with the previously released Nendoroid Renge Miyauchi, who will also be available again at the same time as Hotaru!
GOOD SMILE ONLINE SHOP bonus: Holding Hands with Renge part