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Aquarius Degel

Японское имя: 水瓶座(アクエリアス)のデジェル
Прозвище: Wisest among Athena's Saints
Aquarius Degel is the Aquarius Gold Saint in Lost Canvas in the 18 centuary.

He is the only person, besides the Great Pope, who can read and interpret the stars. Apart from this he appears to be very calm and polite. He has his own library and is the only Saint who wears glasses. It is revealed in his Anecdotes chapter that he is a young man of noble blood.

Voice Actor: Hirakawa Daisuke


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Родственное аниме:
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa OVA 4 OVA 13 8.1 8.26
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -2 OVA 5 OVA 13 8.02 8.21
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