Lucky Roo

Японское имя: | ラッキー・ルウ |
Lucky Roo's Manga Color SchemeLucky Roo's color scheme in the manga.
Lucky Roo has a round body shape and he is always seen eating a rack of meat. He is shown wearing goggles over his eyes at all times. Out of the the entire crew, he appears to have changed the least over the years and shows little in the way of aging. In every appearance, Roo is smiling happily no matter how serious the situation is, such as Shanks clashing with Whitebeard.
He wears a red t-shirt (green in the anime) with white vertical stripes on it, paired by a matching bandanna on his head, short white pants (beige in the anime) with a red sash around his waist (dark, bluish-green in the anime), and red shoes with fur around the ankles. He has a yellow coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with a fur-lined collar and red epaulets with black stripes on them.
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