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Sword Art Online

Другие названия:
Онлайн искусство оружия
Мастера меча онлайн
Искусство меча онлайн
Tип: TV (25 эп.), 24 мин.
Эфир: 8 июля, 2012 - 23 декабря, 2012
трансляция окончена
Жанры: Экшн
Научная фантастика
Студия: A-1 Pictures Inc.
Рейтинг: 8.06
Среднее: 8.07 (1300 голосов)
Схватили: 1923


Не очень далёкое будущее. К 2022 году технологии достигли такого уровня, что сделали возможным Полное Погружение — блокировку информации поступающей к мозгу от всех пяти органов чувств, перехват сигналов идущих от мозга к телу и замена этих сигналов «фальшивыми» — сгенерированными компьютером. Полное Погружение было в первую очередь использовано в индустрии компьютерных игр, поскольку позволяло полностью переключить сознание игрока на виртуальный игровой мир.

Sword Art Online (SAO) стала первой выпущенной на рынок VRMMO — Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online (многопользовательская онлайн-игра в виртуальной реальности) в жанре RPG. Виртуальная игровая среда, разработанная компанией «Аргус» представляла собой Айнкрад — колоссальную стоуровневую крепость, парящую в небесах. Преодолевая различные ловушки, побеждая игровых монстров а также боссов уровня, игроку предстояло пройти все сто уровней-этажей крепости, попутно совершенствуя и развивая своего персонажа. Игровая виртуальная среда исключала какие-либо «магические» практики для пользователей и была сосредоточена, как следовало из названия, на развитии «искусства меча» а также другого холодного оружия рубящего, колющего и ударно-раздробляющего действия. Метательное оружие ограничено кинжалами и дротиками, что-либо более дальнобойное (луки или арбалеты) в тексте романов не упоминаeтся.

Первый же день игры после месячного бета-тестирования обещал стать событием в мире игровой индустрии и действительно стал им… однако совсем не таким, как хотелось производителям и тем более пользователям. Десять тысяч игроков вошедших на сервер SAO, внезапно обнаружили отсутствие кнопки «Выйти из системы» в системном меню. Последовавшее позднее объявление от создателя технологии Полного Погружения и игры Sword Art Online Акихико Каяба превзошло самые худшие предположения — пользователи были намеренно лишены возможности покинуть виртуальный мир до тех пор, пока кем-нибудь из игроков не будет покорён сотый уровень Айнкрада. Более того — попытка снять шлем виртуального погружения кем-нибудь в реальном мире (ни один из пользователей не смог сделать этого самостоятельно, погруженный в «виртуальность», в реальности не может пошевелить даже пальцем), приводит к мгновенной смерти в результате микроволнового разряда в мозг. И самое худшее — смерть игрового персонажа в виртуальной среде приводит к самой настоящей смерти игрока в реальном мире. Таким образом, десять тысяч человек оказались поставлены перед нелёгким выбором: пройти игру от начала до конца, постоянно рискуя жизнью в схватках с монстрами либо остаться в безопасных зонах, предоставив «играть» другим — сражаться и умирать, один за другим штурмуя уровни крепости Айнкрад.

Трейлер 2

Опенинг "crossing field" (ed ver 1 ep)

Эндинг "Yume Sekai"


Добавить изображение Изображения:

Kirigaya, Kazuto


Kirigaya, Suguha


Yuuki, Asuna


Tsuboi, Ryoutarou


Mills, Andrew Gilbert






Ayano, Keiko


Shinozaki, Rika


Kayaba, Akihiko






Rue, Alicia


Sugou, Nobuyuki




Nagata, Shinichi


Shinkawa, Shouichi


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Родственное аниме:
Sword Art Online: Sword Art Offline Side story Special 9 7.17 7.17
Sword Art Online: Extra Edition Recap Special 1 7.36 7.37
Sword Art Online II Season 2 TV 24 7.87 7.87
Sword Art Online II: Debriefing Recap Special 1 7.86 7.9
Sword Art Online II: Sword Art Offline II Side story Special 9 7.06 7
Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale Sequel Movie 1 7.86 7.89
Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale Special Other Special 1 7.82 7.93
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet: The Third Episode Other ONA 1 7.21 7.19
Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online Spin-off TV 12 7.36 7.36
Sword Art Online: Alicization Season 3 Part 1 TV 24 7.83 7.86
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Season 3 part 2 TV 12 7.77 7.81
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Recap Alicization Recap Special 1 7.47 7.64
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld 2 Season 3 part 3 TV 11 7.65 7.7
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Movie 1 7.28 7.29
Sword Art Online: Progressive - Kuraki Yuuyami no Scherzo Movie 1 7.14 7
Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online II Season 2 TV 12 7 6
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аватар поста:

Мини-обзор на SAO

Давно планировала сделать такой совместный обзор на одно из моих любимых аниме Sword Art Online И-таки время пришло! Начну с аниме. Все, кто смотрел, знают, что там всего 2 сезона. Во втором присутствуют две арки с ALO и GGO. Каждая из которых имеет собственную атмосферу, за что я благодарна все...

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Проба пера 14

Доброго времени суток. Тема 14-го обзора "фантастика", с незначительным уклоном в "игровую" тематику. Большинство представленных аниме-сериалов хорошо известны широкой публике. Но, как я уже упоминал в предыдущем обзоре, есть масса причин, по которым "известный" сериал...

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Кирито+ Ведьма

Всем привет ^^ Сегодня ко мне доехал Кирито А так же прилетела ведьма на метле =)) она просто няшка-няшка Прошу прощение за качество фотографий,ибо лучше у меня никогда не получится сфотографировать...

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2012Q4: Обзор осеннего аниме-сезона

Привет! Благополучно подходит к концу 2012 год, поэтому я предлагаю всеобщему вниманию свой четвёртый по счёту сезонный обзор аниме. Дабы не публиковать уж совсем под Новый Год, я закончил его чуть раньше выхода последних серий некоторых аниме, но предпосылок к резкой перемене своих оценок я не виж...

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Привет! Этот мой пост, по сути, является дополнением к обзору летнего сезона 2012. Здесь я изложу некоторые свои мысли относительно двух сериалов, которые являются адаптациями ранобе Кавахары Рэки – Sword Art Online и Accel World. Перед тем как обратиться к основной теме поста, потребуется ещ...

Anti | Япония и отаку-культура | 06 окт 2012

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Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Titania Ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 33 | Comments: 3

Niitengo Yuuki Asuna KoB Ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 30 | Comments: 1

Niitengo Yuuki Asuna Newly-married Life Ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 32 | Comments: 3

Niitengo Kirigaya Kazuto

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 50 | Comments: 5

figma Asuna

ABS, PVC, Max Factory

Rating: 156 | Comments: 26

figma Kirito

ATBC-PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 139 | Comments: 47

Nendoroid Asuna Yuuki

ABS, PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 72 | Comments: 8

Yuuki Asuna

1/8, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 28 | Comments: 13

High Grade Figure: Asuna

PVC, Sega

Rating: 10 | Comments: 4

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Asuna and Kirito


Rating: 16 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Kirito


Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Asuna


Rating: 13 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Asuna


Rating: 4 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Asuna


Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Silica


Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Sachi


Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Silica & Pina


Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Lisbeth


Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Yui


Rating: 19 | Comments: 1

Asuna Swimsuit Ver.

1/8, PVC, Wave

Rating: 28 | Comments: 21

Nendoroid Kirito

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 89 | Comments: 16

Asuna Yuuki Aincrad Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Kotobukiya

Rating: 144 | Comments: 32

Premium Item Kirito

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: -8 | Comments: 16

PM Figure: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 23 | Comments: 3

Asuna Vignette Ver.

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 35 | Comments: 1

High Grade Figure: Yui

PVC, Sega

Rating: 18 | Comments: 4


PVC, Taito

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Deza Jacket: Sword Art Online for iPhone5 Design 2


Rating: -7 | Comments: 1

Deza Jacket: Sword Art Online for iPhone5 Design 4


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Deza Jacket: Sword Art Online for iPhone5 Design 3


Rating: -3 | Comments: 0

Deza Jacket: Sword Art Online for iPhone5 Design 1


Rating: -7 | Comments: 8

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Initial Equipment ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Plain clothes ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Do you have something to say? ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Dozing ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Knights of the Blood ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Titania ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Newly Married ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Home Cooking ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Gununu ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Asuna Secret

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online Trading Strap Asuna Collection: Knights of the Blood ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 13 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Kirigaya Kazuto (Kirito)

PVC, Movic

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Yuuki Asuna

PVC, Movic

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Yui

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Ayano Keiko (Silica)

PVC, Movic

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Shinozaki Rika (Lisbeth)

PVC, Movic

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Colorfull Collection Sword Art Online: Kirigaya Suguha (Leafa)

PVC, Movic

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

CharaGumin Asuna

1/7, Color resin, Volks

Rating: 69 | Comments: 55

Premium Item Silica (Ayano Keiko)


Rating: 24 | Comments: 0

Premium Item Lisbeth (Shinozaki Rika)

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 15 | Comments: 1

Silica (Ayano Keiko)

1/6, Color resin, T’s system

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Premium Item Asuna

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 14 | Comments: 3

Yuuki Asuna

1/8, PVC, ABS, Movic

Rating: 17 | Comments: 0

Leafa (Kirigaya Suguha)

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 12 | Comments: 1

Silica (Ayano Keiko)

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 29 | Comments: 1

Yuuki Asuna

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Silica (Ayano Keiko)

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 2

Kirigaya Suguha

1/8, PVC, Alter

Rating: 40 | Comments: 15

PureNeemo Characters Yuuki Asuna Titania Ver.

1/6, Soft Vinyl, Azone International

Rating: 19 | Comments: 14

High Grade Figure Asuna Titania Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 41 | Comments: 6

High Grade Figure Leafa (Kirigaya Suguha)

PVC, Sega

Rating: 22 | Comments: 1

S.K. series Yuuki Asuna


Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto) Kyun-Chara SAO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Yuuki Asuna Kyun-Chara SAO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Lisbeth (Shinozaki Rika) Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Silica (Ayano Keiko) Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Leafa (Kirigaya Suguha) Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto) Kyun-Chara ALO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Yui Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Yuuki Asuna Kyun-Chara ALO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Asuna Titania ver.

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 33 | Comments: 2


PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Yuuki Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Kirigaya Suguha

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Leafa (Kirigaya Suguha)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna

1/8, PVC, ABS, Chara-Ani

Rating: 37 | Comments: 5

Moekore PLUS Leafa

PVC, Volks

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Cherry Blossom

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0


1/6, Color resin, T’s system

Rating: 5 | Comments: 10

Yuuki Asuna Titania Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 55 | Comments: 6

S.K. series Asuna Dengeki Special Ver.


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Dollfie Dream Asuna

1/3, Soft Vinyl, PVC, ABS, Volks

Rating: 30 | Comments: 14

Kirigaya Suguha

Color resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: -4 | Comments: 2

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Sachi

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Klein (Tsuboi Ryoutarou)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Asuna Camisole Ver.

1/8, PVC , Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 14 | Comments: 2

Yui Navigation Pixie Ver.

1/1, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 27 | Comments: 4

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu!: Swords


Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Recon (Shinichi Nagata)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Yui

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Sakuya

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Petanko Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Alicia Rue

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Petanko Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Yousei Ou Oberon (Sugou Nobuyuki)

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Petanko Trading Rubber Strap Fairy Dance Arc: Eugene

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0


1/8, PVC, ABS, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 25 | Comments: 2

Asuna Yuuki ALO Ver.

1/8, PVC, Alphamax

Rating: 62 | Comments: 13

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Yui

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Lisbeth

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Silica

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Agil

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petanko SAO Trading Rubber Strap Aincrad Arc: Kayaba Akihiko

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Knights of the Blood Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 84 | Comments: 16

Asuna ~Captured Titania~ Ver.

1/7, PVC, Max Factory

Rating: 131 | Comments: 8

Suguha Kirigaya Leafa Ver.

1/7, PVC, WING

Rating: 18 | Comments: 3

Silica The Beastmaster Ver.

1/8, PVC, FREEing

Rating: 32 | Comments: 5

Leafa Fairy Dance Arc Ver.

1/8, PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 51 | Comments: 6

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Asuna Starting Equipment Ver.

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Kirito

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 19 | Comments: 3

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Yui

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 15 | Comments: 3

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Lisbeth

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Silica

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 16 | Comments: 1

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Sachi

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Klein

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 15 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Kayaba Akihiko

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Petanko Mini! Sword Art Online: Agil

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 9 | Comments: 1


Orca Toys

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Kirigaya Suguha

1/8, PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 27 | Comments: 1

Asuna Yuuki

1/8, PVC, ABS, FREEing

Rating: 13 | Comments: 4

Asuna & Kirito

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 41 | Comments: 5

Asuna Yuuki Fencer Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 13 | Comments: 1

Nanoricchi VC Asuna Titania Ver.

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Nanoricchi VC Asuna

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Nanoricchi VC Kirito

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 11 | Comments: 8

Asuna Titania Ver. ~Limited Color~

1/8, PVC, ABS, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Silica

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0


PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 52 | Comments: 12


1/8, PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 19 | Comments: 3

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online: Yuuki Asuna Kyun-Chara ALO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Asuna Undine Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Leafa

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Asuna Titania Ver.


Rating: 25 | Comments: 1

Gathering Asuna Yuuki

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Gathering Kirito

Resin, E2046

Rating: 12 | Comments: 3


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 12 | Comments: 2

Sword Art Online Earphone Jack Figures: Asuna Titania Ver.

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Earphone Jack Figures: Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Earphone Jack Figures: Suguha

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Earphone Jack Figures: Leafa

PVS, Penguin Parade

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Leafa Fairy Dance ver.

1/8, ABS, PVC, Kotobukiya

Rating: 79 | Comments: 4

Super Figure Asuna

1/2.5, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 6 | Comments: 2

Niitengo Silica Swimsuit ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 28 | Comments: 6

Niitengo Leafa Swimsuit ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0

Niitengo Lisbeth Swimsuit ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Niitengo Asuna Swimsuit ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 18 | Comments: 2

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Asuna

Soft vinyl, Cospa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Kirito

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Asuna ALO ver.

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Yui ALO ver.

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Kirigaya Suguha

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Leafa

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Kirito

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Asuna ALO ver.

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Leafa

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Kirigaya Suguha

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Yui ALO ver.

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Asuna

Rubber, Cospa

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

PureNeemo Characters Kirigaya Suguha

1/6, Soft vinyl, Azone International

Rating: 4 | Comments: 2

Kirito SD Ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0


1/8, Resin, Kachoufuugetsu

Rating: 6 | Comments: 5


1/8, Resin, Kachoufuugetsu

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Asuna Yuuki Titania Ver.

1/7, PVC, PLUM

Rating: 54 | Comments: 3

Asuna Yuuki Private ver.

1/8, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: -1 | Comments: 7

Sword Art Online Chara Cute Pretty vol.2: Klein

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Chara Cute Pretty vol.2: Kirito

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Chara Cute Pretty vol.2: Asuna Titania ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 0 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Chara Cute Pretty vol.2: Leafa

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Asuna Vignette Pearl Color Ver.


Rating: 15 | Comments: 1

High Grade Figure Kirigaya Suguha

PVC, Sega

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

High Grade Figure Yuuki Asuna

PVC, Sega

Rating: -1 | Comments: 1

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Kirito

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 30 | Comments: 1

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Asuna ALO ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 18 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Lisbeth

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Leafa

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 21 | Comments: 1

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe: Asuna Casual ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 45 | Comments: 9

Asuna Fairy Dance Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Kotobukiya

Rating: 71 | Comments: 9

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Kirito Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Asuna Kyun-Chara Undine Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Leafa Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Silica Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 8 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Heathcliff Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Kirito Kyun-Chara Secret Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Cu-Poche Asuna

PVC, ABS, Magnet, Kotobukiya

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0

Nendoroid Asuna Yuuki Titania Ver.

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 70 | Comments: 12

Nanoricchi VC Leafa

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

SQ Asuna Extra Edition Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

Beach Queens Kirigaya Suguha

1/10, PVC, ABS, Wave

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Asuna & Yui Vignette Figure

1/8, ATBC-PVC, ABS, Penguin Parade

Rating: 100 | Comments: 34

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 1: Asuna Undine Special Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 14

Asuna Undine Ver.


Rating: 35 | Comments: 8


1/8, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 28 | Comments: 29

Asuna & Kirito

1/6, Resin, MR. Surprise

Rating: 18 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Kirito

PVS, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 30 | Comments: 3

Sword Art Online ~Fairy Dance~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Leafa

PVS, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ~Fairy Dance~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Kirito ALO Ver.

PVS, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Asuna Swimsuit Ver.

1/10, PVC, ABS, Chara-Ani

Rating: 27 | Comments: 8

High Grade Figure Asuna

PVC, Sega

Rating: 14 | Comments: 17

High Grade Figure Silica

PVC, Sega

Rating: 16 | Comments: 4



Rating: 33 | Comments: 24

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe Chara Limited: Asuna Undine ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 13 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe Chara Limited: Kirito

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe Chara Limited: Silica

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe Chara Limited: Lisbeth

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Toy's Works Collection Sword Art Online Niitengo Deluxe Chara Limited: Leafa

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Beach Queens Asuna

1/10, PVC, ABS, Wave

Rating: 21 | Comments: 3

Sword Art Online Poolside Figure vol.1: Kirigaya Suguha

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Poolside Figure vol.1: Ayano Keiko

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Poolside Figure vol.2: Yuuki Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 15 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Poolside Figure vol.2: Shinozaki Rika

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Beach Queens Premium Ayano Keiko

1/10, Polystone, Wave

Rating: 10 | Comments: 1

Asuna Swimsuit ver.

1/8, ABS, PVC, Movic

Rating: 0 | Comments: 2

Lisbeth Swimsuit ver.

1/10, PVS, ABS, Chara-Ani

Rating: 27 | Comments: 1

figma Kirito GGO ver.

ATBC-PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 86 | Comments: 25

Silica ALO ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Funny Knights

Rating: 43 | Comments: 5

Kirigaya Suguha School Swimsuit ver.

1/6, PVC, Aniplex

Rating: 24 | Comments: 1

Smartphone Stand Bishoujo Character Collection No.09 Silica

PVC, ABS, Pulchra

Rating: 29 | Comments: 1

Leafa Swimsuit ver.

1/7, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 19 | Comments: 0

Leafa Swimsuit ver.

1/10, PVC, ABS, Chara-Ani

Rating: 33 | Comments: 6

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Kirito GGO Ver. Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Asuna Undine Ver. Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Kirito ALO Ver. Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/8, PVC, ABS, Pulchra

Rating: 39 | Comments: 12

Sword Art Online ~Ain Clad~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ~Ain Clad~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Kirito

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ~Ain Clad~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Yui

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Niitengo Kirito Swimsuit ver.

PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 13 | Comments: 4

Sword Art Online Cellphone Strap & Cleaner Online Ver.: Silica

PVC, Surfers’ Paradise

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cellphone Strap & Cleaner Online Ver.: Lisbeth

PVC, Surfers’ Paradise

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cellphone Strap & Cleaner Online Ver.: Leafa

PVC, Surfers’ Paradise

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cellphone Strap & Cleaner Online Ver.: Asuna

PVC, Surfers’ Paradise

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Beach Queens Premium Rika Shinozaki

1/10, Polystone, Wave

Rating: 18 | Comments: 3

Asuna Vacation Mood ver.

1/6, PVC, PET, Chara-Ani

Rating: 29 | Comments: 13

Asuna ALO Undine Color Ver.

1/6, PVC, Chara-Ani

Rating: 23 | Comments: 3

Asuna -Swimsuit ver.-

1/7, PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 4 | Comments: 4

Sword Art Online ~Fairy Dance~ Chibi Kyun-Chara: Asuna Titania Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Kirito

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Asuna & Yui

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Asuna & Lisbeth

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Silica & Leafa

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Kirito & Sinon

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Leafa Swimsuit Ver.


Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Asuna Undine Swimsuit Ver.


Rating: 26 | Comments: 1

PM Figure Asuna Undine Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Kirito GGO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 20 | Comments: 19

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Asuna

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Kirito

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Sachi

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Silica

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Yui

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Lisbeth

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 1 | Comments: 2

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Leafa

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 1 | Comments: 1

De Cute! Sword Art Online Trading Rubber Strap: Kirigaya Suguha

Rubber, Plex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Asuna Undine ver.

PVC, ABS, Taito

Rating: 9 | Comments: 2


1/8, Resin, E2046

Rating: 10 | Comments: 1

Silica & Pina

Resin, Aoshingou

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

High Grade Figure Kirito

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 30 | Comments: 11

High Grade Figure Asuna

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 1 | Comments: 3

Sword Art Online II Chibi Kyun-Chara vol.1: Kirito GGO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Asuna Idol Ver.

1/8, PVC, ABS, Stronger

Rating: 79 | Comments: 47

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Asuna

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Kirito GGO Ver.

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Silica & Pina

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Lisbeth

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Yui

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Yuuki Asuna

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Leafa

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Kirito GGO Ver. Rubber Strap

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Asuna Undine Ver. Rubber Strap

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Kirito ALO Ver. Rubber Strap

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Leafa Rubber Strap

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Asuna Undine Ver. Rubber Strap

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Nanoricchi VC Silica

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 10 | Comments: 2

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Kirito GGO Ver. Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Asuna Undine Ver. Kyun-Chara

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online II: Asuna Undine Ver. Kyun-Chara Special Package

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Chibi Kyun-Chara vol.2: Kirito ALO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Chibi Kyun-Chara vol.2: Asuna Undine Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Chibi Kyun-Chara vol.2: Silica ALO Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito black swordsman ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito dual blades ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito beater ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito napping ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito real ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito ALO ver.1

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito ALO ver.2

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito GGO ver.1

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito GGO ver.2

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Knights of the Blood ver. 2

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Kirito

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Asuna

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Lisbeth

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Silica

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Leafa

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Yui

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Klein

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Bikini Ver.

1/6, PVC, Aniplex

Rating: 18 | Comments: 8

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Kirito Real ver.


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Kirito GGO ver.


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Asuna Real ver.


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Asuna ALO ver.


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Leafa ALO ver.2.0


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Silica ALO ver.


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Lisbeth ALO ver.


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Real Action Heroes No.700 Kirito GGO ver.

1/6, PVS, ABS, Fabric, Medicom Toy

Rating: 19 | Comments: 25

Hybrid Active Figure Yuuki Asuna

1/3, Soft vinyl , Azone International

Rating: 28 | Comments: 14

High Grade Figure Leafa

PVC, Sega

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

High Grade Figure Lisbeth

PVC, Sega

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Asuna "Love you" ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Kirito "Leave it to me!" ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Lisbeth "Care about me" ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Silica "I'm sleepy..." ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Leafa "Bored..." ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Part Mothers Rosario Trading Rubber Strap Collection: Asuna "Thank you" ver.

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Asuna Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2: Asuna Special Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 16 | Comments: 11

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Asuna, Kirito, Yui

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Kirito, Philia

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Kirito, Leafa

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Lisbeth, Silica

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Asuna, Yuuki

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Kirito, Sinon

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Asuna, Kirito

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Secret

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 2 Rubber Strap: Secret

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

figma Kirito ALO ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 64 | Comments: 62

figma Asuna ALO ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 89 | Comments: 19

figma Leafa

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 51 | Comments: 12

Asuna Cooking Ver.

1/7, ATBC-PVC, ABS, Broccoli

Rating: 1 | Comments: 6

Asuna Sexy Bikini de Parasol

1/7, PVC, ABS, Polycarbonate, Genco

Rating: 2 | Comments: 12

Leafa Sexy Bikini de Parasol

1/7, PVC, ABS, Polycarbonate, Genco

Rating: 10 | Comments: 32

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 13 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna Kirito Color ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna Vini Chua!

Soft vinyl, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Kirito Vini Chua!

Soft vinyl, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Nanoricchi VC Kirigaya Suguha

PVC, Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Kirito

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Asuna

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Yui

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Leafa

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Silica

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Wooden Strap: Lisbeth

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Kirito GGO Ver.

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Yuuki Asuna

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Chibi Kirito

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Chibi Kazuto

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Chibi Asuna

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Wooden Strap: Chibi Asuna

Wood, Slaps

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Earphone Jack Accessory: Asuna

Acrylic, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Earphone Jack Accessory: Asuna (Avatar)

Acrylic, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Earphone Jack Accessory: Kazuto

Acrylic, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Earphone Jack Accessory: Kirito

Acrylic, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Metal Charm: Kirito

Iron, Plated, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Metal Charm: Kazuto

Iron, Plated, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Metal Charm: Asuna (Avatar)

Iron, Plated, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Metal Charm: Asuna

Iron, Plated, Slaps

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Asuna Robe Appearance Ver.

PVC, ABS, Taito

Rating: 19 | Comments: 25

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap Kirito Collection: Kirito and Yui

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 4 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Kirito

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Asuna

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Silica

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Lisbeth

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Kazuto Kirigaya

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Asuna Yuuki

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Sinon

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Puchikko Trading Metal Charm Strap: Shino Asada

Stainless Steel, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0


1/8, ATBC-PVC, ABS, Broccoli

Rating: 22 | Comments: 1

Asuna glint -Flash- Ver.

1/6, PVC, Orca Toys

Rating: 69 | Comments: 29

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Rubber Strap Set Girl's Side Avatar: Asuna Undine ver.

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Rubber Strap Set Girl's Side Avatar: Leafa

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Rubber Strap Set Girl's Side Real: Asuna Yuuki

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online II Rubber Strap Set Girl's Side Real: Suguha Kirigaya

Soft vinyl, HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Kirigaya Kazuto

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Yuuki Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Kirito

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Asuna

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Silica

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Pentako Trading Rubber Strap: Lisbeth

PVC, Penguin Parade

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain: Kirito GGO ver.

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain: Leafa

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain: Lisbeth

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain Vol 2: Asuna Undine ver.

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain Vol 2: Yui

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Graphig Metal Keychain Vol 2: Silica

metal, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SAO II Aniplex+ Charm Collection: Kirito GGO ver.

Acrylic, Aniplex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SAO II Aniplex+ Charm Collection: Kirigaya Kazuto

Acrylic, Aniplex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SAO II Aniplex+ Charm Collection: Asuna

Acrylic, Aniplex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SAO II Aniplex+ Charm Collection: Asuna Undine ver.

Acrylic, Aniplex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SAO II Aniplex+ Charm Collection: Yui

Acrylic, Aniplex

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Kirito GGO ver.

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Asuna Undine ver.

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Leafa

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Yui

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Silica

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Keychain: Lisbeth

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Kirito GGO ver.

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Kirito ALO ver.

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Asuna Undine ver.

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Leafa

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Yui

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Silica

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Deka Keychain: Lisbeth

Acrylic, Contents Seed

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Aincrad Arc Character Charm: Kirito

Brass, Chara-Ani

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Aincrad Arc Character Charm: Asuna A

Brass, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Aincrad Arc Character Charm: Asuna B

Brass, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Aincrad Arc Character Charm: Lisbeth

Brass, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Aincrad Arc Character Charm: Silica

Brass, Chara-Ani

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Kirito

PVC, Movic

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Silica

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Asuna

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Lisbeth

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Leafa

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Heathcliff

PVC, Movic

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Silica

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Yui

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Sachi

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Kirito

PVC, Movic

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Lisbeth

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Asuna

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Kirigaya Suguha

PVC, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Mystery Minis The Best of Anime Series 1: Kirito


Rating: -7 | Comments: 1

Mystery Minis The Best of Anime Series 1: Asuna


Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Mystery Minis The Best of Anime Series 1: Heathcliff


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 25 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Asuna Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 24 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

High Grade Figure Kirito Game Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: -1 | Comments: 3

High Grade Figure Asuna Game Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 12 | Comments: 7


1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: -7 | Comments: 1

Asuna Loading Ver.

PVC, ABS, Taito

Rating: 5 | Comments: 2

Kuitto Sword Art Online II Kirito Plush


Rating: 0 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Asuna Rubber Strap

soft PVC (Rubber), Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Leafa Rubber Strap

soft PVC (Rubber), Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Silica Rubber Strap

soft PVC (Rubber), Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~Maid World~: Lisbeth Rubber Strap

soft PVC (Rubber), Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Asuna Undine Ver.

1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 4

Asuna Swimsuit Ver. Premium

1/6, PVC, ABS, Orca Toys

Rating: 39 | Comments: 8

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Asuna

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 15 | Comments: 3

Mystery Minis The Best of Anime Series 1: Silica & Pina

Vinyl, Funko

Rating: -2 | Comments: 0

Kirito & Asuna

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. (NBGI)

Rating: 11 | Comments: 2

Gathering Asuna

1/7, Resin, E2046

Rating: 4 | Comments: 3

Y-style Asuna Yuuki Yukata Ver.

1/8, PVC, FREEing

Rating: 25 | Comments: 3

PM Figure Asuna

PVC, Sega

Rating: 4 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Yui ALO ver.

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

SQ Figure Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 1

DXF Figure Kirito

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cushion Strap: Design 01 (Kirito)

Polyester, Canaria

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cushion Strap: Design 02 (Asuna)

Polyester, Canaria

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cushion Strap: Design 03 (Leafa)

Polyester, Canaria

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Cushion Strap: Design 04 (Yui)

Polyester, Canaria

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Smartphone Cleaner: Kirito

PVC, Canaria

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Asuna Special Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Kirito

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Asuna

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Silica

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Klein

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Yui

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Putitto Sword Art Online: Lisbeth

PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

DXF Figure Kirito Black Swordsman ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

SQ Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

SQ Asuna Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0


1/8, PVC, ABS, Aniplex

Rating: 58 | Comments: 15

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Kazuto Kirigaya

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Asuna Yuuki

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Suguha Kirigaya

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Yui

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Keiko Ayano

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Rika Shinozaki

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Rubber Strap: Ryoutarou Tsuboi

PVC, Nylon, metal, Kadokawa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Kirito

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Asuna

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Silica

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Leafa

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Suguha

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Taiiku no Jikan Rubber Strap: Shino

PVC, M's

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Genco Rubber Strap Collection Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale: Kirito

PVC, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Genco Rubber Strap Collection Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale: Asuna

PVC, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Genco Rubber Strap Collection Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale: Lisbeth

PVC, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Genco Rubber Strap Collection Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale: Silica

PVC, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Genco Rubber Strap Collection Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale: Klein

PVC, Genco

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, Genco

Rating: 20 | Comments: 7

SQ Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 11 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online "Bocchi-kun" Acrylic Charm: Kirito

Acrylic, ACG

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online "Bocchi-kun" Acrylic Charm: Asuna

Acrylic, ACG

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Sword Art Online : -Ordinal Scale- Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Gekijouban Sword Art Online : -Ordinal Scale- Asuna Special Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Special Figure Asuna

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

PM Figure Kirito


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Dollfie Dream Kirito

1/3, PVC, Volks

Rating: 16 | Comments: 7

Dollfie Dream Asuna Titania Ver.

1/3, PVC, Volks

Rating: 20 | Comments: 2

SQ Figure Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

DXF Figure Asuna Kirito Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale-: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale-: Kirito

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Kirigaya Suguha Tropical Shower Ver.

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 16 | Comments: 2

EXQ Figure Asuna Undine Ver.

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 20 | Comments: 1

CharaGumin Asuna

1/8, Color resin, Volks

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

CharaGumin Kirito

1/8, Color resin, Volks

Rating: 5 | Comments: 1

Grand Toys Asuna

Griffon Enterprises

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale-: Asuna Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

DXF Figure Kirito

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 19 | Comments: 1

DXF Figure Kirito Asuna Color ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

figma Kirito O.S Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: -2 | Comments: 15

LPM Figure Asuna

PVC, Sega

Rating: 18 | Comments: 1

EXQ Figure Leafa

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 11 | Comments: 3

Special Figure Kirito

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Special Figure Silica

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Nendoroid Kirito & Asuna O.S Ver.

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 15 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Rubber Strap Pair Character Ver.: Kirito & Asuna Gekijouban Ver.

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Rubber Strap Pair Character ver.: Asuna & Sinon Underwear Ver.

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Rubber Strap Pair Character ver.: Asuna & Yuuki Good Friends Ver.

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Rubber Strap Pair Character ver.: Asuna & Kirito Kimono Ver.

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Rubber Strap Pair Character Ver.: Asuna

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Asuna Undine Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Asuna Titania Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Lisbeth Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Kirito Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Klein Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Asuna Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Yuuki Asuna School Uniform Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Kirigaya Suguha School Uniform Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Leafa Secret Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Materials 01: Asuna Secret Ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Natsufuku Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Toy's Works

Rating: 10 | Comments: 1


1/7, PVC, ABS, Alter

Rating: 34 | Comments: 1

Nendoroid Asuna O.S Ver.

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 18 | Comments: 5

Nendoroid Kirito O.S Ver.

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Petite Colle! Acrylic Keychain: Kirito

Acrylic, Azu Maker

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Petite Colle! Acrylic Keychain: Asuna

Acrylic, Azu Maker

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- × Animate Cafe: Asuna Acrylic Stand

Acrylic, Animate

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Alicia Rue

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- × Animate Cafe: Silica Keychain

Acrylic, Animate

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Kirito Fairy Dance Standard Color Ver.

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Kirito Fairy Dance Pearl Color Ver.

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Minamo Princess Ver.


Rating: 7 | Comments: 2

Sinon & Kirito

Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. (NBGI)

Rating: 20 | Comments: 1

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- × Animate Cafe: Asuna and Yuuki Acrylic Diorama

Acrylic, Animate

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- × Animate Cafe: Kirito Acrylic Diorama

Acrylic, Animate

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Kirito

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Asuna

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Yui

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Leafa

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Silica

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Lisbeth

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Pic-Lil! Sword Art Online the Movie Ordinal Scale Trading Strap: Kirito & Asuna Secret Ver.

soft PVC (Rubber), HOBBY STOCK

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~SAO will return~: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online ~SAO will return~: Asuna Yuuki Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 8 | Comments: 1

Noodle Stopper Figure Leafa


Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Kirito

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 13 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online GAME PROJECT 5th Anniversary Part2: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 15 | Comments: 6

Yuuki Asuna ALO Ver.

1/6, PVC, ABS, Orca Toys

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Noodle Stopper Figure Asuna


Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Asuna Undine Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Emontoys

Rating: 31 | Comments: 3

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Leafa Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Kirito ALO ver. 2 Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Kirito GGO ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna Undine ver. Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Stage 3: Asuna & Yuuki Secret 1 Rubber Strap

Rubber, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Asuna Swimsuit Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABC, Kadokawa

Rating: 9 | Comments: 1

Asuna [Starry night]

1/7, PVC, ABS, Easy Eight

Rating: 17 | Comments: 1

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Asuna Titania ver.

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Kirito ALO ver.

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Sakuya

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Kirigaya Suguha Uniform ver.

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Kirigaya Suguha Kendo uniform ver.

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Leafa

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Yousei Ou Oberon

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Petitkko Trading Metal Keychain Fairy Dance Arc: Recon

Iron, Penguin Parade

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niiten-gomu! Sword Art Online II: Death Gun

PVC, Brass, Iron, Nylon, Chara-Ani

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Trading Rubber Strap: Death Gun

PVC, Nylon, metal, Media Factory

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II ViVimus Rubber Strap Collection: Death Gun

PVC, Movic

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II PuchiBitto Strap: Death Gun

Acrylic, Nylon, Metal, Media Factory

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Wedding Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Leafa

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

Asuna The Flash Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Aquamarine

Rating: 10 | Comments: 1

Special Figure Asuna Undine Ver.


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Kirigaya Suguha Wedding Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, Kaitendoh

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

ANTIHERO Asuna Swimsuit Ver

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online II Acrylic Diecut Keychain: Kirito GGO ver.

Acrylic, Ball Chain, Cabinet

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Nesoberi Nuigurumi: Asuna


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Dengeki Bunko 25th Anniversary Premium Goods Dengeki Bunko 25th Anniversary Trading Rubber Strap: Asuna

PVC, Ascii Media Works

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Noodle Stopper Figure Silica


Rating: 17 | Comments: 1

EXQ Figure Asuna

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Leafa

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword art Online Game Project 5th Anniversary Part3: Kirito

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword art Online Game Project 5th Anniversary Part3: Asuna

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Aniplex Museum: Kirito Acrylic Stand Keychain

Iron, PMMA, Aniplex

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Kirito Gokai Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Alicization: Asuna Knights of Blood Reprint Shiny Color Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Alicization: Asuna Undine Reprint Shiny Color Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Kirigaya Suguha Swimsuit Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Desktop Army Sword Art Online: Kirito

PVC, ABS, MegaHouse

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Desktop Army Sword Art Online: Asuna

PVC, ABS, MegaHouse

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Desktop Army Sword Art Online: Silica

PVC, ABS, MegaHouse

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Noodle Stopper Figure Yui

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 8 | Comments: 1

EXQ Figure Asuna Summer Lover Ver.


Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Kirito

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

figma Kirito Alicization Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 11 | Comments: 3

Nendoroid Kirito Elite Swordsman Ver.

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, ques Q

Rating: 20 | Comments: 6

Asuna Haregi Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Kadokawa

Rating: 14 | Comments: 6

Ichiban Kuji Premium Sword Art Online Alicization: Asuna School Ver. Rubber Strap

soft PVC (Rubber), Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Love Cheers Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Lisbeth Waterside Smile Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Game Project Memory Defrag Part 1: Leafa

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 15 | Comments: 4

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Game Project Memory Defrag Part 2: Asuna

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 16 | Comments: 1

Asuna Casual Wear Ver.

ABS, PVC, Taito

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0

Gyugyutto Acrylic Figure Sword Art Online Alicization: Kirito

Acrylic, Bell House

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Gyugyutto Acrylic Figure Sword Art Online Alicization: Kirito (Age 11)

Acrylic, Bell House

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Gyugyutto Acrylic Figure Sword Art Online Alicization: Asuna

Acrylic, Bell House

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Silica


Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Iyashi no Natsu Bijin Ver.

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Lisbeth


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Asuna


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Bikini Armor Ver.

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- Acrylic Stand: Asuna

Acrylic, Movic

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- Acrylic Stand: Wedding Kirito

Acrylic, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale- Acrylic Stand: Wedding Asuna

Acrylic, Movic

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Mizugi Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Bellfine

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Silica Hooray Love Cheers Ver.

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online 10th Anniversary Party: Asuna

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Kirigaya Suguha Mizugi Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Bellfine

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Asuna Swimsuit Ver.premium II

1/6, ABS, PVC, Orca Toys

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Kirito


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Puchieete Asuna Knights of Blood Ver.

ABS, PVC, Taito

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

LPM Figure Kirito

ABS, PVC , Sega

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Figure-rise Standard Asuna

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0


ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

F:Nex Asuna Pure White Ver.

1/7, ABS, PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 19 | Comments: 1

Leafa & Suguha Kirigaya

ATBC-PVC, ABS, Union Creative International Ltd

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Leafa BIKINI ARMOR Ver.

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

WAHOO! Asuna Undine Kyo Yuzen Ver.

1/7, ABS, PVC, Aniplex

Rating: 23 | Comments: 1

Noodle Stopper Figure Asuna Aincrad Ver.


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Asuna Kikan-sha Gakkou Seifuku Ver.

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Asuna [Stacia, The Goddess of Creation]

1/8, ABS, PVC, Genco

Rating: 20 | Comments: 4

Pullip Asuna

ABS, HIPS, POM, TPR, cotton, Groove

Rating: -2 | Comments: 1

Asuna The Goddess of Creation Stacia Ver.

1/7, ABS, PVC, Aniplex

Rating: 24 | Comments: 8

Yuuki Asuna Room Wear Ver.

1/7, PMMA (PVC-L), B'full

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Noodle Stopper Figure Kirito/Aincrad

PVC, FuRyu

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Asuna Room Wear Clear Hair Color Ver.

1/7, PMMA (PVC-L), B'full

Rating: 10 | Comments: 2

Sword Art Online Alicization Acrylic Tsumamare Keychain: Asuna GGOVer.

Acrylic, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Alicization Acrylic Tsumamare Keychain: Kirito UWVer.

Acrylic, Cospa

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Espresto est -Extra Motions- Asuna Knights of Blood Ver.

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Yuuki Asuna Mizugi Ketsumei Kishidan Color Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Bellfine

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Kirigaya Suguha Swimsuit Fairy Dance Color Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Bellfine

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Asuna Miko Ver.

1/7, ABS, PVC, Souyokusha

Rating: 9 | Comments: 8

Silica Swimsuit Ver.

1/8, PMMA (PVC-L), B'full

Rating: 3 | Comments: 1

Nendoroid Asuna [Stacia, the Goddess of Creation]

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

Asuna GGO Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Alter

Rating: 12 | Comments: 4

Lucrea Kirito & Asuna SAO 10th Anniversary

1/7, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse

Rating: 23 | Comments: 6

Leafa [The Land Goddess Terraria]

1/8, ABS, PVC, Genco

Rating: 16 | Comments: 3

Shibuya Scramble Figure Asuna Healing Angel Ver.

1/7, PVC, eStream

Rating: 18 | Comments: 3

LPM Figure Asuna Ex-Chronicle Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld: The Goddess of Creation Stacia Asuna

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

KDcolle Asuna Manatsu no Kirameki ☆ Hanayome Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Kadokawa

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Asuna Yuuki Dress Shirt Ver.


Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Asuna Swimsuit Ver.

1/7, PMMA (PVC-L), B'full

Rating: 12 | Comments: 2

Chibi Kyun-Chara Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld: Asuna The Goddess of Creation Stacia

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0



Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Espresto Clear Materials Asuna Sleeping Together Ver.

PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Asuna Swimsuit Clear Hair Color Ver.

1/7, PMMA (PVC-L), B'full

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

LPM Figure Kirito Ex-Chronicle Ver.


Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

LPM Figure Leafa Ex-Chronicle Ver.

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Asuna The Goddess of Creation Stacia Ver.

1/7, PVC, Emontoys

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Asuna Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Leafa Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Lisbeth Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Silica Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Asuna Kirito Color ver. Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Leafa Kirito Color ver. Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Lisbeth Kirito Color ver. Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection Sword Art Online: Silica Kirito Color ver. Chibi Kyun-Chara

ABS, PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

PureNeemo Characters No.125 Asuna

1/6, Soft vinyl, Azone International

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Espresto est -Extra Motions- Kirito Kuro no Kenshi Ver.

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Summer Queens Asuna

1/8, PVC, ABS, Our Treasure

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Assemble Heroines Summer Queens Asuna

1/8, PVC, ABS, Our Treasure

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld: The Goddess of Creation Stacia Asuna Last One Ver.

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

EXQ Figure Leafa Maid Ver.

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 12 | Comments: 0

Chibi Kyun-Chara Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld: Kirito

PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Figure-rise Standard Asuna Dengeki Exclusive Pearl Color Ver.

PS, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Shibuya Scramble Figure Asuna Negligee Ver.

1/4, PVC, eStream

Rating: 15 | Comments: 1

Shibuya Scramble Figure Leafa Negligee Ver.

1/4, PVC, eStream

Rating: 6 | Comments: 3

Espresto est -Dressy and motions- The Goddess of Creation Stacia Asuna

PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

B-style Asuna Knights of the Blood Ver.

1/4, PVC, FREEing

Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

Asuna Undine Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Alter

Rating: 21 | Comments: 2

SSS Figure Asuna Swimsuit Ver.


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

LPM Figure Asuna Stacia Ver.


Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

LPM Figure Leafa Earth Goddess Terraria Ver.

PVC, Sega

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld ~Sai Shuusho~: The Goddess of Creation Stacia Asuna

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Espresto Asuna Swimsuit Ver. Jewelry Materials

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Kirigaya Suguha Navy School Swimsuit ver.

1/7, PVC, Q-six

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Kirigaya Suguha White School Swimsuit ver.

1/7, PVC, Q-six

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, Alter

Rating: 36 | Comments: 10

Coreful Figure Asuna ~Wa Style ver.~

PVC, ABS, Taito

Rating: 12 | Comments: 1

Kirito Integrity Knight Ver.

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

F:NEX Asuna China Dress Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, FuRyu

Rating: 3 | Comments: 2

Coreful Figure Asuna Marine Look ver.

ABS, PVC, Taito

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Asuna [Stacia, the Goddess of Creation]

1/7, PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 22 | Comments: 1

Espresto est Leafa The Earth Goddess Dressy & Motions

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Espresto est -Extra Motions- Asuna Kirito Color Ver.

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Coreful Figure Asuna ~ Marine Look ver. ~ Taito Crane Online Limited

ABS, PVC, Taito

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Asuna -Aincrad's Day Off-

1/7, PVC, ABS, Polyester, Iron, Unknown

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0


ABS, PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0


ABS, PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Coreful Figure Asuna ~Wa Style ver.~ Taito Online Crane Limited

PVC, ABS, Taito

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Dream Tech Asuna [Stacia, The Goddess of Creation]

1/7, PVC, ABS, Wave

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Asuna Room Wear Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Aniplex

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

PM Figure Asuna

PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0


ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Kirito/Progressive


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Progressive- Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Assort: Asuna Big Size Figure

PVC, Bandai

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Gekijouban Sword Art Online -Progressive- Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Assort: Kirito Big Size Figure

PVC, Bandai

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Shibuya Scramble Figure Asuna -Crystal Dress Ver.-

1/7, PVC, eStream

Rating: 14 | Comments: 2

Ichiban Kuji "Gekijouban Sword Art Online: Progressive - Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria" Hajimari no Monogatari: Asuna

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji "Gekijouban Sword Art Online: Progressive - Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria" Hajimari no Monogatari: Asuna ~Last One ver.~

ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

SSS Figure Asuna/Progressive


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Yoshitoku x F:NEX Asuna -Nihon Ningyo-

1/4, ABS, Polyester, PVC, Rayon, Cardboard, Acetate, FuRyu

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0


1/7, ABS, PVC, Aniplex

Rating: 14 | Comments: 2

Nendoroid Swacchao! Kirito

PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Nendoroid Swacchao! Asuna

PVC, Good Smile Company

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Alicization Campaign Rubber Strap A (SEGA): Ayano Keiko

PVC, Sega

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Alicization Campaign Rubber Strap A (SEGA): Kirigaya Kazuto

PVC, Sega

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

KDcolle Asuna Negligee Ver.

1/7, PVC, Kadokawa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online 10th Anniversary: Asuna

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online 10th Anniversary: Asuna Last One Ver.

Bandai Spirits

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

KDcolle Asuna -Undine- Summer Wedding ver.

1/7, Plastic, Kadokawa

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, Unknown

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

BiCute Bunnies Asuna


Rating: 13 | Comments: 3


1/7, PVC, ABS, Polystone, LED, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/7, PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Asuna [Goddess of Creation Stacia]

1/4, Resin, Transparent Resin, Polyurethane, Genco

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

BiCute Bunnies Leafa


Rating: 4 | Comments: 2

SSR-FIGURE Asuna Goddess of Creation Stacia 3D Photo Frame

PVC, ABS, Infinity Studio

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Asuna China Dress Ver.

1/7, PMMA, B'full

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

POP UP PARADE Asuna Aria of a Starless Night Ver.

Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Asuna Wedding Ver.

1/7, ATBC-PVC, Design Co-Co

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Capsule Rubber Mascot 02: Kirito

PVC, Bandai

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online Capsule Rubber Mascot 01: Kirito

PVC, Bandai

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Hikkake Figure -Three Goddesses-: Leafa The Land Goddess Terraria


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

POP UP PARADE Kirito Aria of a Starless Night Ver.

Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Asuna The Goddess of Creation Stacia Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Alter

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld: Silica Kyun-Chara Illustrations Rubber Strap

PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


PVC, ABS, Sega

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Shibuya Scramble Figure Asuna & Yuuki Ending Ver.

1/7, PVC, eStream

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0


1/7, Plastic, ENSOUTOYS

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0


1/7, Plastic, ENSOUTOYS

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Kujibikido Dengeki Bunko Soukan 20 Shuunen Kinen: Asuna Fairy Dance SP Ver.

1/10, PVC, Media Factory

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0


Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

BiCute Bunnies Leafa White Pearl Ver.

ATBC-PVC, ABS, Polyester, FuRyu

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

B-style Asuna Bunny Ver.

1/4, PVC, FREEing

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0


Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

KDcolle Asuna Undine Chinese Dress Ver.

1/7, Plastic, Fur, Kadokawa

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online: Alicization Nesoberi Plush Mascot: Asuna


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online: Alicization Nesoberi Plush Mascot: Asuna


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Sword Art Online: Alicization Nesoberi Plush Mascot: Asuna


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Nendoroid Asuna 2.0

Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

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