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Другие названия:
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Kenfu Denki Berserk
Tип: TV (25 эп.), 25 мин.
Эфир: 7 октября, 1997 - 31 марта, 1998
трансляция окончена
Жанры: Экшн
Студия: OLM Inc.
Рейтинг: 8.58
Среднее: 8.61 (447 голосов)
Схватили: 762


Через предательство и кровь к власти пришел новый король. Его демоны-подручные чинят несправедливости до тех пор, пока в город однажды ночью не приходит тяжело вооруженный воин. Весь покрытый оружием, броней и шрамами, он называет себя Чёрным Мечником. Размеры его меча могут сравниться только с его ненавистью к королю и его демонам.

Итак, "Берсерк", по сути своей - это средневековая военная драма, с множественными вкраплениями элементов фентези и хоррор. Центром всего повествования является жизненный путь бывшего наёмника, а ныне охотника на демонов, Гатца. Сюжет "Берсерка" буквально погружает нас в водоворот, состоящий из предательства, судьбы, магии, демонов, и, конечно же, эльфов и т.д.

"Мы должны взять судьбу в свои руки и не позволить ей решать, как нам жить и как умереть" - это и есть основная мысль "Берсерка", которая раскрывается перед нами на протяжении всего аниме-сериала. В то же время, в нём рассматривается вопрос - насколько далеко может зайти человек, и скольким/и он может пожертвовать ради того, чтобы достигнуть своей мечты?

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Rhody Windam, Charlotte Beatrix Marie
















General Boscogne


Coborlwitz, Adon








The Queen of Midland


The King of Midland


















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Родственное аниме:
Berserk Ougon Jidaihen I: Haou no Tamago Movie 1 Movie 1 8.03 8.06
Berserk Ougon Jidaihen II: Doldrey Kouryaku Movie 2 Movie 1 8.28 8.31
Berserk Ougon Jidaihen III: Kourin Movie 3 Movie 1 8.33 8.38
Berserk Season 2 TV 12 6.86 6.84
Berserk (2017) Season 3 TV 12 7.26 7.26
Berserk: Ougon Jidai Hen - Memorial Edition Season 1 TV 13 7.5 7.83
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Памяти великого мангаки посвящается!!!!

Всем привет!!! Я давно не писал постов на Полке, но сегодня не могу не сделать этого!! Утро мое началось с переписки с Deamon666 :"Привет, видел новость...Миура умер"..... зловещая тишина, ибо Дима знает, что я ярый фанат автора шикарнейшей манги "Берсерк" которая вых...

Blade08 | | 20 мая 2021

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Впечатления от первой фигмы

На прошлой неделе наконец-то получила посылочку со своей первой фигмой – Гриффит из «Berserk». Захотелось ведь заиметь, рассмотреть собственными глазами и ощутить руками такой тип фигурки. Долго выбирала то, что пришлось бы по вкусу, пока не наткнулась на Гриффита. Эта фигурка сразу привлекла моё вн...

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аватар поста:

Аниме-обзор № 46

Временами вспоминаю, что смотрела еще не давно, что свежо в памяти, но до сих пор не описано мною в посте. И вот написалось про несколько очень интересных вещей. Guilty Crown Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas Посмотрев первую серию короны так и напрашивается сравние с кодом гиасса, ибо все про...

platina | Япония и отаку-культура | 05 сен 2012

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Guts 2010 Ver

1/6, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 51 | Comments: 3

No. 134 Griffith: The Shooting Star Night (Exclusive 2: White)

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Zodd 2010 Ver. Limited Normal Version

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

Zodd Human Form

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Zodd Wing Ver.

Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Zodd Regular Ver.

Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Guts Bloody Color Limited ver.

PVC, ABS, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 22 | Comments: 1

Berserk Guts Black Fencer Limited IV

PVC, ABS, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Guts Kingdom of Falconia Limited Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Guts Berserker Portrait -Wolf Face-

Resin, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Pippin

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Rickert

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Guts

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Griffith Millennium Falcon 2nd Edition

Poly Resin, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman Battle Damage Ver.

PVC, ABS, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman -Magun-

Poly Resin, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Guts ver. "Guts vs Wyald"

Polyresin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Judeau Hawk Soldiers Action Figure

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 2

Guts Black Swordsman Millennium Falcon Attack Form Ver.

Resin, Art of War

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Berserk God Hand: Void

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Berserk God Hand: Ubik

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk God Hand: Conrad

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk God Hand: Slan

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Berserk God Hand: Femto

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Guts

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Guts

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Casca

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Griffith

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol.2: Zodd

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

figma Guts Black Swordsman Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 42 | Comments: 5

Griffith 2011 Ver. Exclusive Red Mantle Version I

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

SD Guts

Resin, E2046

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0



Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Fencer Ver.

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 10 | Comments: 2

figma Griffith

PVC, ABS, Fabric, Max Factory

Rating: 103 | Comments: 4


1/8, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0


1/8, Heavy Gauge

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

DX Figure Guts


Rating: 25 | Comments: 2

DX Figure Griffith

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 24 | Comments: 1

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 1: Griffith

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 1: Casca

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 1: Guts

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 1: Guts Black Swordsman Ver.

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 1

Gutts Plush


Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

figma Guts Berserker Armor Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 47 | Comments: 4

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Guts A


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Griffith A


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Casca


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Corkus


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Judeau


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Pippin


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Rickert


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Bazuso


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Adon


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Guts B


Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Griffith B


Rating: 0 | Comments: 1

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Charlotte


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Boscogn


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Zodd A


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Zodd B


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Chara Heroes Berserk -Golden Age Arc-: Beherit


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

figma Guts Band of the Hawk Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 39 | Comments: 14

Guts The Battle for Doldrey 2013 Special Blue Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Guts and Casca

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 32 | Comments: 3

Real Action Heroes No.636 Guts Band of the Hawk Ver.

1/6, ABS, Fabric, PVC, Medicom Toy

Rating: 45 | Comments: 1

Serpico Blood Effects Ver.

1/10, Metal / Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0


1/10, Metal / Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Serpico Silver Ver.

1/10, Metal / Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Kuri Puck and Ivalera Special Coloring Version

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Carcus

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Judo

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 5: Wyard

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0


Resin, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 1: Knight of Skeleton

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

figma Casca

PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company

Rating: 67 | Comments: 5

Ichiban Kuji Berserk: Guts

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk: Griffith Card Stand Figure

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk: Guts Card Stand Figure

PVC, Banpresto

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk: Guts Special Color Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

Beherit Shoku 2013 Ver.

Polystone, Metal, Synthetic Leather, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Beherit Egg of Haoh 2013 Ver.

Polystone, Metal, Synthetic Leather, Art of War

Rating: 24 | Comments: 0

No.325 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter- White Skeleton Ver. Exclusive ver.

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 13 | Comments: 0

Houma Gurunberd

Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Qliphoth resident

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Berserk: Guts

1/10, Resin, E2046

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Ivalera & Kuri Puck

1/1, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 17 | Comments: 0

Wonderful Hobby Selection Femto

1/6, Polystone, Max Factory

Rating: 49 | Comments: 12

figma Femto


Rating: 30 | Comments: 12

figma Slan


Rating: 46 | Comments: 22

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Kuri Puck Smile Ver.

ABS, PVC, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Kuri Puck Fishing Limitation

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Kuri Puck Japanese Cypress Material Angry Ver.

Japanese Cypress Material, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Puck -Pierrot-

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 2: Puck

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Kuripuck Anger Ver.

1/1, ABS, PVC, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Real Action Heroes No.704 Guts Black Swordsman Ver.

1/6, PVC, ABS, Fabric, Medicom Toy

Rating: 53 | Comments: 0

Wonderful Hobby Selection Guts

1/6, Polystone, Max Factory

Rating: 58 | Comments: 16

Guts Lost Children no Shou Black Swordsman Ver.

1/6, PVC, ABS, Gecco

Rating: 41 | Comments: 8

Berserk "Ketsubetsu" Void & Griffith

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 19 | Comments: 1

No. 307 Nosferatu Zodd 2013 Ver.

Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

No. 304 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter-

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 305 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter- With Egg-Shaped Apostle

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 8 | Comments: 0

No.324 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter- White Skeleton ver.

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

No.345 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter- Iron Rust Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

No.383 Skull Knight -Birth Ceremony Chapter- White Repainted Skeleton ver.

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 209 7th Repainting Project "Zodd Senma" snowy field ver.

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

No. 170 2nd Repainting Project "Zodd Senma"

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

No.393 Zodd REVELATIONS 2015

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

No. 165 Griffith:The Shooting Star Night (Exclusive 2: White)

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 11 | Comments: 1

No.389 Griffith: The Battle for Doldrey Desert Weathered Ver.

1/10, Polystone, PU, Art of War

Rating: 20 | Comments: 1


1/6, Individual sculptor

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

figma Void & figFIX Ubik


Rating: 30 | Comments: 3

figFIX Conrad


Rating: 6 | Comments: 3

No. 352 Femto: The Birth Summer Repaint 2014

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

No.400 Guts & Slan 2015

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

No.402 Berserk The Tentacle Ship Blue Steel Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 15 | Comments: 0


1/8, Resin, Gecco

Rating: 32 | Comments: 4

Zodd the Immortal

1/8, Resin, Gecco

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

No.311 Berserk Griffith Hawk Soldier Repainting Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Guts (Black Swordsman)

1/6, PVC, ABS, POM, Faux-leather, Fabric, threezero

Rating: 28 | Comments: 0

Gathering Berserker

1/10, Resin, E2046

Rating: 24 | Comments: 0


1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0


1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Judeau Hawk Soldier Normal Ver.

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 032 Griffith:Millenium Falcon (Exclusive:Horse Riding)

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

No. 130 Griffith (Hawk Soldiers) Horse Riding Sculpture (Exclusive: Judeau Bust)

1/15, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

No. 004 Guts: Black Swordsman Episode of Birth Feast

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

No.188 Guts The Hundred Man Killer Blue Mantle Ver.

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Casca-Hawk Soldier Exclusive Ver.

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 007 Casca: Episode of Birth Feast

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Guts The Battle for Doldrey Kolektakon Ver.

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Gurunberd human form

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Dokuro no Kishi Horse Riding Figure

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Dokuro no Kishi

1/15, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 118 Guts & Slan: God Hand

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Farnese, Guts

1/15, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 3: Silat

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Mini Figure Vol. 3: General Boscogne

PVC, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Griffith Bust

Resin, Megatech

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts Bust

Resin, Megatech

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Casca Halk Soldier ver.

1/8, Resin, Megatech

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

DX Figure Guts Laughing Face Ver.

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

figma Femto Birth of the Hawk of Darkness ver.


Rating: 58 | Comments: 7

Ultimate Premium Masterline (UPMBR-01) Guts Kuro no Kenshi Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 46 | Comments: 5

Berserk Acrylic Keychain: Guts

Acrylic, A3

Rating: 4 | Comments: 7

Berserk Acrylic Keychain: Puck

Acrylic, A3

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Void


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Femto


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Ubik


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Slan


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Conrad


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Puck


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Griffith


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Guts


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Casca


Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Zodd


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Zodd


Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Puck


Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Berserk Figure Collection Mini Big Head: Dokuro no Kishi


Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline (UPMBR-05) Griffith The Falcon of Light Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 43 | Comments: 20

Ultimate Premium Masterline (UPMBR-04) Guts Berserker Armor

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 18 | Comments: 2

Ultimate Premium Masterline (UPMBR-02) Zodd in Human Form

1/4, Faux Fur, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 14 | Comments: 5

No. 440 Winter Journey-Limited Edition I*20th Anniversary Product

1/6, Art of War

Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

No. 017 Black Swordsman Lost Children

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 071 Black Swordsman:Attack Form Normal Ver.

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 098 Armored Berserk with blood effects

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

No. 108 Winged Silence: Soaring Zodd Normal Ver.

PVC, ABS, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 112 Zodd Version II Statue Exclusive 2 Bloody Ver. with Knight of Skeleton Bust-Up: Dark Iron

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 131 Guts (Exclusive: Darka)

1/10, Resin, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 138 Armored Berserk & Fire Dragon

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No.149 ZODD 3

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 169 Auction of Guts Battle for Doldrey

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Guts: The Hundred Man Killer

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

No. 195 Berserk 20th Anniversary Model Exclusive Ver. 2 (without blood effects)

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

No. 199 Houma Apostles of New Hawks Exclusive set of 4

Polystone, Metal, Wood, gold leaf, Art of War

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0


1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No.337 Guts the Black Swordsman Birth Ceremony Chapter Limited Version 4

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

No.344 Guts The Spinning Cannon Slice Limited Additional Ver.

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No.336 Berserk The Tentacle Ship Exclusive Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No.333 Nosferatu 2013 Exclusive Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman Regular Edition

1/4, Resin, First 4 Figures

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Guts The Spinning Cannon Slice 2016 Ver.

1/6, Polystone, Metal, Art of War

Rating: 13 | Comments: 1


1/7, Resin, E2046

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ishidro ver. 2017 exclusive

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 456 Berserk Slash Bloodshed Repainting Ver. with Darka

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 456 Berserk Slash Bloodshed Repainting Ver.

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

No. 455 Darka-The Mini figure

1/6, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0


1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 27 | Comments: 2

HQS Griffith


Rating: 5 | Comments: 1

HQS Guts


Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

HQS Zodd

Resin, Tsume

Rating: 12 | Comments: 2

The Tentacle Ship Aluminum Coating Gold Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

figma Guts Black Soldier Repainted Edition Ver.

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 24 | Comments: 3

Griffith Millennium Falcon (Horse Riding) whithout Rakshas

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 308 Guts VS Zodd 2013 Ver.

1/15, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Griffit Hawk Soldier Exclusive Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Kuri Puck Osaka Exclusive Version

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Boscone Exclusive II (Bloody)

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts: MAKEN (Exclusive)

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 133 Griffith: The Shooting Star Night (Exclusive 1: Silver)

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 015 Kuri Puck

1/1, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

No. 462 ZODD & WYALD 2017*Limited Edition I*Bloodshed Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Life Scale Masterline Kuri Puck Luminous Ver.

1/1, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Senma Soldier

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Bust Judeau

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline UPMBR 07 Slan

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 34 | Comments: 8

No. 467 Skull Knight 2017 Limited Edition II Iron Rust Ver.

1/5, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

No. 468 Skull Knight 2017 Limited Edition I White Skeleton Ver.

1/5, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 470 Guts The Hundred Man Killer Red Mantle Ver.

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Guts & Zodd VS Ganishka

1/6, Resin, Oniri Créations

Rating: 26 | Comments: 14

No. 471 Guts-The Black Swordsman (Winter Journey) Limited Edition I Bloodshed Ver.

1/6, Marble, Polystone, Polyurethane, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No. 472 Guts-The Black Swordsman (Winter Journey) Limited Edition II Normal Ver.

1/6, Marble, Polystone, Polyurethane, Art of War

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

No. 473 Gyakko 2018

1/10 , Polystone, Art of War

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0


Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ivalera & Puck

1/3, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Puck with leaf ver.

1/1, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Kuri Puck and Ivalera Christmas ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/1, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Schierke & Ivalera

1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Schierke & Ivalera

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 13 | Comments: 2

figma Guts Berserker Armor Ver. Repainted Edition

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 40 | Comments: 9

Ultimate Premium Masterline Nosferatu Zodd in Apostle Form

Polystone, LED, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 8 | Comments: 2

Battle Action Diorama Guts VS Zodd

1/6, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline UPMBR-08 Ubik

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline Conrad

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline Void

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 4 | Comments: 1

Guts The Battle for Doldrey

1/10, Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk: Zodd

PVC, ABS, Banpresto

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman Exclusive Edition

1/4, Resin, First 4 Figures

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman Regular Edition Bloody Variant

1/4, Resin, First 4 Figures

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Guts Black Swordsman Exclusive Edition Bloody Variant

1/4, Resin, First 4 Figures

Rating: 5 | Comments: 1

Ultimate Premium Masterline Casca Golden Age Arc Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Battle Action Diorama Guts & Zodd

1/6, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 7 | Comments: 2

Life Scale Masterline Kuri Puck

1/1, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Ultimate Premium Masterline Beast of Casca's dream EX Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 7 | Comments: 1

Ultimate Premium Masterline (UPMBR-13) Isidro

1/4, Polystone, Translucent Resin, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 3 | Comments: 1

Museum Masterline Guts, The Black Swordsman

1/3, Polystone, Real Fabric, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline Guts, The Black Swordsman Bloody Nightmare Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0


1/8, Resin, E2046

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Museum Masterline Guts, The Black Swordsman Deluxe Ver.

1/3, Polystone, Real Fabric, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 17 | Comments: 3

Femto The Wings of Darkness

1/6, Resin, Oniri Créations

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Griffith The Fallen Hawk

1/6, Resin, Oniri Créations

Rating: 21 | Comments: 0

Zodd Bust

1/10, Resin, GILL GILL

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Zodd Bust

1/10, Resin, E2046

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Casca & Griffith

1/4, Resin, PU, Individual sculptor

Rating: 16 | Comments: 0

Guts Berserker Armor Ver.

1/6, ABS, PVC, POM, Fabric, Magnet, threezero

Rating: 20 | Comments: 0

Ultimate Premium Masterline Casca Golden Age DX Ver.

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 14 | Comments: 0

figma Guts Band of the Hawk ver. Repaint Edition

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Guts Berserker Armor "Unleash"

Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 5 | Comments: 2

Guts Berserker Armor "Rage"

Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Guts Bust

1/1, Taka Corp. Studio

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Guts Statue

1/6, Taka Corp. Studio

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Zodd the Immortal

1/6, Resin, Oniri Créations

Rating: 6 | Comments: 1

Cutie1 Zodd (Beast)

120, Soft Vinyl, PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Cutie1 Griffith

120, Soft Vinyl, PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Cutie1 Guts "Black Swordsman"

120, Soft Vinyl, PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Cutie1 Guts Berserker Armor (Phase 1)

PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Cutie1 Guts Berserker Armor (Phase 3)

PVC, ABS, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Life Scale Masterline Behelit Skull

Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 14 | Comments: 1

Life Scale Masterline Hand of God

Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 9 | Comments: 1

POP UP PARADE Guts (Berserker Armor) L Size

Plastic, LED, Max Factory

Rating: 48 | Comments: 5

Rosine Apostle Transformation Ver.

1/8, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 4 | Comments: 1

Bust Zodd

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Legacy Art Griffith

1/6, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 19 | Comments: 0

Nendoroid Guts

Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 20 | Comments: 6

Guts Black Swordsman Ver.

1/7, PVC, ABS, Medicos Entertainment

Rating: 5 | Comments: 1

Schierke & Ivalera

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 10 | Comments: 0


1/1, Resin, E2046

Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

Bust Guts Berserker Armor

PVC, ABS, Max Factory

Rating: 14 | Comments: 4

S.H.Figuarts Griffith Hawk of Light ver.

ABS, Fabric, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 23 | Comments: 1

S.H.Figuarts Guts Berserker Armor ver.

ABS, Fabric, PVC, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 13 | Comments: 0


1/7, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 1


1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0


1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Gathering Schierke & Ivalera

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

POP UP PARADE Guts Black Swordsman L Size

Plastic, Max Factory

Rating: 13 | Comments: 1


Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 9 | Comments: 9

Nendoroid Griffith

Plastic, Good Smile Company

Rating: 13 | Comments: 2

Griffith & Zodd

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Guts & Schierke

1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Griffith (Reborn Band of Falcon) Deluxe Edition

1/6, ABS, PVC, POM, Fabric, Metal, threezero

Rating: 11 | Comments: 1

PLAMATEA Guts Berserker Armor Ver.

Fabric, Plastic, Max Factory

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts & Schierke

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Griffith & Zodd

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Gathering Griffith & Zodd

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

S.H.Figuarts Guts (Berserker Armor) -Passion-

PVC, ABS, Cloth, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Throne Legacy Slan

1/4, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Gathering Guts & Schierke

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

S.H.Figuarts Immortal (Nosferatu) Zodd

PVC, ABS, Cloth, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 3 | Comments: 1

Youma Igyou no Taiji

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Femto SD

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Corridor of Dreams

1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk Unmei ni Aragau, Kuroi Kenshi: MASTERLISE Guts

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk Unmei ni Aragau, Kuroi Kenshi: SOFVICS Zodd

Soft vinyl, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk Unmei ni Aragau, Kuroi Kenshi: MASTERELIVE COLLECTION Behelit A

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk Unmei ni Aragau, Kuroi Kenshi: MASTERELIVE COLLECTION Behelit B

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Berserk Unmei ni Aragau, Kuroi Kenshi: MASTERELIVE COLLECTION Behelit C

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

No. 466 Berserk Skull Knight & Beherit 2017 Metal Coating Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

No.358 Berserk Skull Knight & Beherit 2014 Red Eye Ver.

Polystone, Art of War

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Akihabara Legend Figure Guts Berserker Ver.

1/8, PVC, Kitsune Statue

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts [Berserker Armor]

1/6, Resin, Unknown

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Legacy Art Guts & Casca

1/4, LED, Polystone, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 6 | Comments: 0


1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

S.H.Figuarts Isidro

PVS, ABS, Fabric, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Void SD Ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts SD Black Swordsman Ver.2

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Guts SD Black Swordsman Ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: -1 | Comments: 0

Behelit and Zodd SD Ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Guts Bust

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 0 | Comments: 0


1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 2 | Comments: 1

Legacy Art Bust Guts & Griffit

1/1, Polystone, PVC, Prime 1 Studio

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Figuarts Zero Touche Metallique Guts Berserker Armor Ver.

PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Wayld Apostle transformation ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Count Apostle transformation ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Bust of Count

Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Bust of Count Apostle ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Casca dream ver.

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Wyald Bust

Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

S.H.Figuarts Guts Band of Hawks ver.

PVC, ABS, Cloth, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

S.H.Figuarts Casca Band of Hawks ver.

PVC, ABS, Cloth, Bandai Spirits

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Guts

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Guts

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Griffith

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Griffith

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Casca

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Casca

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Judeau

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Trading Ani-Art Acrylic Stand: Guts & Griffith

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Ani-Art 2-ren Wire BIG Acrylic Keychain: Guts

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime "Berserk: The Golden Age Arc MEMORIAL EDITION" Ani-Art 2-ren Wire BIG Acrylic Keychain: Griffith

Acrylic, Arma Bianca

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Puck Senchou ver.

1/3, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Puck king ver.

1/8, Polystone, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

King Puck with Pick & Pook

1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


Resin, Individual sculptor

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Pick & Puck & Pook

1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 1 | Comments: 0


1/6, Resin, E2046

Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

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