Kirino на Полке

На Полке | В жизни | Статистика | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 тайтлов? Аниме затягивает?
50 фигурок!? Да ты глубоко заглотила эту наживку! А помнишь, как все начиналось?
Последние записи в блогах:

Long Post..
Long Post..
I've been off of this website for a while and I'm sorry! I have just been really busy with all of the events happening over the summer. My birthday was 6 days ago, so i had to go to 2 parties, my friends party just a day earlier, and then I had to work. But it's okay, because I'm here now to keep u...
Figures & Dolls | 30 июн 2013

Sunny Day with Sakura Miku
Sunny Day with Sakura Miku
Sakura Miku, my little sisters favorite nendoroid!~ I took her out for some photos and to get some sun. Because apparently sitting inside all day is really bad.. Since my flowers are in bloom, she hung out in there for a little while~ I hope you enjoy all of my pictures! SACRIFICE YOUR SOUL...
Figures & Dolls | 03 июн 2013

Oh dear god Why?! -Len
Oh dear god Why?! -Len
So I'm going to be making up little stories about our two little trouble makers Rin and Len! Please rate on your favorite, I will have 1 per day all this week! At the end the story with the most likes will get an extension on the story! Sunday - How my little sister decided to take us home today.
Figures & Dolls | 27 мая 2013

If you live near me then you know about my addiction to the Rin and Len figmas that were released in 2008. These things have been the only things I really wanted that are Rin and Len related, since I already preordered the crap out of everything else under their name. They are my idols. The only thi...
Figures & Dolls | 26 мая 2013

I got this at the convention in Chicago, we took a little break so I decided that I should see who I got in my surprise nendoroid petit box!~~~ The price was a little high, 14 bucks isn't much but still. And drumroll~~~~~~~ HURRAY!!!! I GOT KYOKO SAKURA!!!!!~~~~~ I love this sassy magic gi...
Figures & Dolls | 19 мая 2013

My Convention Twins~
My Convention Twins~
"Hey guys! Rin here, my collector Kirino just came back from an anime convention with a few more friends!! I'd love to show you my favorite of them all!!" "Did you know that she got this one just for me? Can you guess who it is? He looks just like me!" "If you gues...
Figures & Dolls | 19 мая 2013
Последние фото:

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