Chopper Tony Tony

Японское имя: | トニートニー・チョッパー |
Прозвище: | Cotton Candy Lover, Tanuki |
Возраст: 15 лет (17)
День рождение: 24 декабря
Место рождения: Гранд Лайн, Королевство Драм (ныне - Королество Сакуры)
Плод Дьявола: Хито-Хито, зоан. Позволяет принимать форму человека.
Награда: 50 бэли
Сэйю: Икуэ Отани
Чоппер — самый маленький и младший член Пиратов Соломенной Шляпы, к тому же — северный олень. Благодаря дьявольскому фрукту Хито-Хито, съеденному в детстве, он может принимать другие формы — человекообразного существа или маленького и пузатого оленёнка. Кроме того, Чоппер понимает язык животных. Также Чоппер не умеет прятаться, вместо того чтобы спрятать тело и выглядывать из-за угла, он прячет глаз.
Тем не менее, от фрукта Чопперу больше вреда, чем пользы. В детстве из-за того, что он был не похож на других, его не принимали в стаде. Люди его тоже не приняли, пожалел его только доктор-шарлатан Хирулук (Хилюлюк), вылечив, он дал ему имя и взял в подмастерья. Так началась настоящая жизнь Чоппера.
Спойлер о Чоппере и докторе Хирулук
У доктора Хирулука была мечта — сделать так, чтобы на замёрзшем острове произошло цветение сакуры (когда вишня цветет, лепестки её цветов начинают опадать), которое, как он верил, должно излечить все болезни людей этого острова так же, как излечило его однажды. На это он тратил всё своё время, свободное от лечения людей. Спойлер о жизни доктора Хирулук
Вернувшись к Курехе, Чоппер попросил взять его к себе и обучить медицинскому искусству. Она хоть и не хотела этого делать, всё таки исполнила просьбу Хирулука и взялась учить его. С тех пор он жил у Докторины до появления Луффи.
Способности, связанные с плодом дьявола
Благодаря действую плода хито-хито Чоппер получил возможность изменять свою форму тела и делать её более человекоподобной в разных аспектах — собственно человеческая форма, олень и гибридная чиби-форма. Однако, 6 лет труда, опыты втайне от доктора Курехи и один несчастный случай привели к тому, что Чоппер разработал чудодейственный препарат Рамбл-бол (англ. Rumble Ball) — «бойцовый шар». Он представляет собой шаровидную блестящую таблетку жёлтого цвета около 2 см в диаметре, которая употребляется путём разгрызания и которая искажает действие волн плода — или проще говоря, дает носителю ещё 4 формы, помимо уже существующих. Этот препарат очень высоко ценится среди знатоков. Однако, неумеренное его употребление ведет к потере контроля над превращениями, а целых 3 таблетки, употребленные в течение 6 часов, превращают Чоппера в чудовищного великана. Атаки не имеют конкретного названия, кроме некоторых техник, связанных с формами.

One Piece Petit Chara Land Strong World Fruit Party: Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Petit Chara Land Strong World Fruit Party: Chopper 2
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Halloween Special~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.1: Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.4: Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.6: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Tony Tony Chopper
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 36 | Comments: 0

Boco Bottle Cap Opener Bottle 01 One Piece 1: Chopper
ABS, PVC, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: -3 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates Limited Edition Chopper Man Red Version
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece ~Kaizokuki no Shita ni~: Chopper
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chopper Premium Figure: Tony Tony Chopper Valentine 2012
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

P.O.P Strong Edition Tony Tony Chopper - LE Mangart Beams T Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

P.O.P Strong Edition Tony Tony Chopper - LE Mangart Beams T Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chopper Premium Figure: Tony Tony Chopper Halloween 2012 Ver.
Rating: 26 | Comments: 2

Portrait of Pirates "Sailing Again" Tony Tony Chopper Kung Fu Point Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Tony Tony Chopper Kyupin Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Chopper ~Thousand Sunny Go~ Lucky Draw: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

One Piece High Spec Coloring Figure Vol. 2 & Vol. 4: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Door Painting Collection Figure: Tony Tony Chopper Knight Ver.
1/7, PVC, Plex
Rating: 9 | Comments: 0

The Grandline Children One Piece Film Z DXF Figure vol.1 Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 26 | Comments: 4

Portrait Of Pirates "Edition-Z" Tony Tony Chopper
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 38 | Comments: 25

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 11 | Comments: 1

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 1

Chouzokei Damashii One Piece Battle of Fishman Island: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

ONE PIECE Log Box Sorezore no Seichou Hen: Tony Tony Chopper VS Dosun
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji History of Chopper GOLDEN EDITION: Tony Tony Chopper Sabaody Archipelago ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0

One Piece Bottle Cap - H.A.T. Beverage Vol. 3 New World Arc - Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Bottle Cap - H.A.T. Beverage Vol. 4 Dawn of the Adventure - Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Bottle Cap - H.A.T. Drink Cap ~Film Z~ - Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Bottle Cap - H.A.T. Drink Cap ~Film Z~ - Secret - Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE VOL.12 Fishman Island Arc: Chopper Crying Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE VOL.12 Fishman Island Arc: Chopper Horn Point Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Halloween Special 2~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 6 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE vol.7 Sabaody Archipelago Arc: Chopper
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Moster Chopper Upper Part
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Mosnter Chopper Lower Part
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Monster Chopper Clear Brown Solid Color Upper Part
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Monster Chopper Clear Brown Solid Color Lower Part
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Dragonball Z x One Piece Capsule Neo: Piccolo & Chopper Gold Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Desktop Real McCoy: Luffy, Robin and Tony Tony Chopper Zozo Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

ONE PIECE Log Box Sorezore no Seichou Hen: Luffy & Jinbei & Robin & Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Romance Dawn for the New World Last Part: Usopp & Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Super One Piece Styling -EX Gigantic: Monkey D. Luffy & Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Portrait of Pirates Original Series (Series 2): Usopp & Tony Tony Chopper
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Tony Tony Chopper and Dr. Hiluluk
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Tony Tony Chopper in Bag
Soft Rubber, Cospa
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Tony Tony Chopper in Bag
Soft Rubber, Cospa
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Soul of Chogokin GX-63 Franky Shogun & Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Die Cast, Bandai
Rating: 10 | Comments: 0

Chozokei Damashii Movie Edition "ONE PIECE FILM Z": Tony Tony Chopper Last Battle Costume ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Collection Thriller Bark Night (FC10): Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anime Heroes ~Winter Island~: Tony Tony Chopper Human form ver.
PVC, Zacca PAP
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anime Heroes ~Winter Island~: Tony Tony Chopper Walking Point limited ver.
PVC, Zacca PAP
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Character Strap #2: Tony Tony Chopper Pink Bathrobe ver.
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "MAS" Tony Tony Chopper Horn Point ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 35 | Comments: 4
Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Tony Tony Chopper Crimin ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 24 | Comments: 4

Pepsi NEX x One Piece: Tony Tony Chopper Viking ver.
PVC, ABS, Individual sculptor
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~1st season~ vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 6 | Comments: 1
Figuarts ZERO Tony Tony Chopper Special Edition 5th ANNIVERSARY ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Film Z Adventure in the New World: Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Film Z Adventure in the New World: Nami & Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Figure Colosseum SCultures BIG Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen III vol.5 Tony Tony Chopper
PVS, Banpresto
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

Ochatomo Series ONE PIECE ~Kaizoku-tachi no Tea Time~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0

One Piece Memories of Merry Pirates Figures Vol. 1: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji History of Chopper: Chopper Drum Island Arc ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Kumitate Shiki Serie 2 A: Tony Tony Chopper Sokeging's autograph Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Real Figure Keychain ~Halloween 2013~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Iron Pirate!! Franky Shogun~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Zoo~ vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Zoo~ vol.3: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Zoo~ vol.4: Tony Tony Chopper Guard Point Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Zoo~ vol.5: Tony Tony Chopper Monster Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 1

One Piece World Collectable Figure The Ryugu Palace Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chess Piece Collection R "Strong 9" Special Collaboration Set: Piccolo & Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure Mini Merry Attack: Tony Tony Chopper
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Assembled Vignette One Piece For the New World: Monkey D. Luffy and Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Theater ~Various Time~: Monkey D. Luffy and Tony Tony Chopper ~Obahan Time~
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Strap Greenbit SP: Brook, Momonosuke, Nami, Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.5 ~Taruiri no ichimi~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Movic
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~3rd season~ vol.3: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 6 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Dressrosa Hen~: Chopper Rubber Strap
PVC, Rubber, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Episode ~Drum Kingdom~: Tony Tony Chopper Chibi Kyun-Chara
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Episode ~Drum Kingdom~: Tony Tony Chopper
plush, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Episode ~Drum Kingdom~: Tony Tony Chopper
plush, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Generation of Worst: Tony Tony Chopper Figure+α
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

The Grandline Vehicle DXF Figure vol.1 Chopper with Brachio Tank no.5
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

DX plush Premium Season Halloween 2011: Tony Tony Chopper Gourd Juice Ver.
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Keychain: Chopper Struggling Ver.
Soft Rubber, Cospa
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Chopper Struggling Ver.
Soft Rubber, Cospa
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Z Rubber Strap: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Mascot: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0

One Piece Collection EX Go Go Chopperman: Chopper Man Flying Ver.
PVC, ABS , Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection STRONGWORLD Special:Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS , Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

[Pirate to Aim] ~Great Captain~: Tony Tony Chopper Buggy the Clown Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
[Pirate to Aim] ~New World with Ace~: Tony Tony Chopper as Usopp
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chopper Premium Figure: Tony Tony Chopper Winter 2012 Ver.
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

One Special Color: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS , Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Cry Heart ~Sakura Blossoms Fall on the Winter Island~ vol.1: Chopper A
PVS, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Cry Heart ~Sakura Blossoms Fall on the Winter Island~ vol.1: Chopper B
PVS, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Cry Heart ~Sakura Blossoms Fall on the Winter Island~ vol.2: Chopper
PVS, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Cry Heart ~Sakura Blossoms Fall on the Winter Island~ vol.2: extra parts set
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle Vol.7 ~Popular Barrel~ Hen: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece RUN!RUN! Collection: Tony Tony Chopper Childhood Ver.
Acrylic, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece History of Law: Tony Tony Chopper Rubber Strap
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Going Merry Pirates Assemble Mini Figure Set: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

DX Figure Tony Tony Chopper ~Rumble Ball Monster Point~
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 13 | Comments: 2
One Piece Premier Summer Keychain Collection: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

CHARA FORTUNE Cookie Series ONE PIECE Biscuit Fortune Telling: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Collection Luffy Family 8 (FC8): Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Collection Pirate Crew Heroes (FC7): Chopper and Rocketman
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Collection Pirate Crew Heroes (FC7): Monster Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Deformed Keychain Punk Hazard Vol.1: Trafalgar Law & Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 2

One Piece Desktop Theater Chopper's Adventure Vol. 2: Chopper in Water 7
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Sakihokore! Enshoku Mugiwara Emaki: Tony Tony Chopper Desktop Figure
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Sanji's Snack Collection Keychains: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

ONE PIECE Glittery Acrylic Charm Collection -Gochisou Hen-: Chopper
Acrylic, POMMOP
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Mugiwara no Ichimi, Koukai no Kiseki~: Tony Tony Chopper Desktop Figure
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Monster Chopper Pink Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol. 13 Winter Island: Tony Tony Chopper Secret Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x Panson Works Chara-Heroes Figure Collection Vol.2: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol.14: Punk Hazard Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper as Sanji
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Anichara Heroes One Piece D.P.C.F Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper Secret Ver.
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle Vol.9 ~Hat Barrel~ Hen: Chopper
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chara Fortune Strawhat Pirates: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure -One Piece Film Gold- Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS , Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Thousand Sunny Playset Ver. With Brook without Sound Effect Before Timeskip
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Film ~Strong World~: Tony Tony Chopper
Polyester, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Chopper "Iku zo! Gyojintou" King of Fishman Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

MoguMogu ONE PIECE Umeemon wa Umee! Rubber Mascot: Tony Tony Chopper
Rubber, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~8th Season~: Tony Tony Chopper Ver 2.
PVC, ABS , Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~8th Season~: Tony Tony Chopper Ver. 1
PVC, ABS , Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Chopper "Iku zo! Gyojintou" Glow in the dark Ver.
Soft vinyl, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Chopper "Iku zo! Gyojintou" Fish-man island Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

The Grandline Men ~One Piece Film Gold Special~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
World Collectable Figure One Piece Film Gold Special Color Ver.: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ochatomo Series One Piece Mugiwara Store Limited Gold Edition: Monkey D. Luffy & Tony Tony Chopper Gold Ver.
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Chouzokei Damashii One Piece (4) New World: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

[Pirate to Aim] ~New World with Ace~: Capitan Chopper Luffy Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

[Pirate to Aim] ~New World with Ace~: Brother Chopper Ace Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

[Pirate to Aim] ~New World with Ace~: Cook Chopper Sanji Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Capsule Rubber Mascot ~Garuchuu! Mugiwara no Ichimi!!~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Universal Studios Japan Metal Keychain: Tony Tony Chopper
metal, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji History of Chopper: Tony Tony Chopper Film Z Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece: Tony Tony Chopper Shabondy Island Ver.
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Cos Chopper Vol. 2 Boa Hancock and Jinbe Resin Statue
1/8, Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Figuarts ZERO Tony Tony Chopper One Piece 20th Anniversary ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure -20th Limited- Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

ONE PIECE Capsule Rubber Mascot~20th Special ver.~: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami & Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 15 | Comments: 2

Ichiban Kuji One Piece 20th Anniversary: Tony Tony Chopper
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami & Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law Classic Color Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami 7 Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law Special Blue Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0

MoguMogu One Piece Sanji's Kitchen -Brunch- Rubber Mascot: Tony Tony Chopper
Rubber, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Toy'sworks Collection Niitengomu One piece -Whole Cake Island Hen- : Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Toy's Works
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Metal Charm Strap Whole Cake Island Hen: Tony Tony Chopper
Stainless Steel, Metal, Xebec Toys
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure -History Relay 20th- Vol.4: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, MABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Tony Tony Chopper Crimin 20th Anniversary Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0

ONE PIECE x PansonWorks Ball Chain Plush Mascot Vol.6: Tony Tony Chopper
plush, cloth, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Mitsubishi Episode of Chopper Campaign Figure Mascots: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Tony Tony Chopper Silver Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Tony Tony Chopper Clear Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chocolate Snack Action Pose Collection Kuroshima Hen: Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Chocolate Snack Action Pose Collection Kuroshima Hen: Tony Tony Chopper and Nico Robin
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure Mugiwara 56 Vol.1: Tony Tony Chopper
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 2:Tony Tony Chopper
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 2: Tony Tony Chopper Clear Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Whole Cake Island 1-: Tony Tony Chopper
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Marineford Hen~: Card Stand Figure Tony Tony Chopper Marineford Chapter ver.
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates Limited Edition Tony Tony Chopper Ver.OT
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 10 | Comments: 1
Dragon Ball X One Piece 40th World Collaboration: Chopper as Goku
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Tony Tony Chopper Dozing Ver.
soft PVC (Rubber), Cospa
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: January
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: February
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: March
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: April
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: May
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: June
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: July
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: August
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: September
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: October
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: November
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece x PansonWorks Chopper Birthday Mascot Figure Ball Chain: December
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Straw Hat Diner 2018 Winter Acrylic Stand: Chopper
Acrylic, Brujula
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Great Eastern Animation Plush: Tony Tony Chopper with Cotton Candy
GE Animation
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Great Eastern Animation Plush: Tony Tony Chopper Kung Fu Point Ver.
GE Animation
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Great Eastern Animation Plush: Tony Tony Chopper Film Gold Ver.
GE Animation
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Tokyo One Piece Tower 4th Anniversary Standing Acrylic Keychain: Tony Tony Chopper
Sunny Grove
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece ONE PIECE ALL STAR: Tony Tony Chopper The Movie Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Figuarts ZERO Cotton-Candy-Loving Tony Tony Chopper Horn Point Ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates "Warriors Alliance" Choppermon
1/8, ABS, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 8 | Comments: 12

One Piece Character Ranking Acrylic Stand: Tony Tony Chopper
Acrylic, Brass, KOBI co., ltd.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Collection Volume 1: Carrot, Nami and Chopper
Acrylic, Shueisha
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Film Collection Volume 1: Chopper New Nakama Feast
Acrylic, Shueisha
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece Film Collection Volume 1: Luffy, Usopp and Chopper
Acrylic, Shueisha
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Marineford Hen~: Strap Tony Tony Chopper Marineford Chapter ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

GReeeeN Challenge Figure Tony Tony Chopper and Miyagi
ABS, PVC, Toei Animation
Rating: 10 | Comments: 1

Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece ~Kaizokuki no Shita ni~: Tony Tony Chopper Strap
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece: Chopper Cotton Candy Ver.
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece: Chopper Cotton Candy fancy color ver.
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Kumitate Shiki Serie 1 A: Tony Tony Chopper Cotton Candy Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Kumitate Shiki Serie 1 C: Tony Tony Chopper Toxic Mushroom Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Kumitate Shiki Serie 2 C: Tony Tony Chopper Scope Attack Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Kumitate Shiki Serie 2 B: Tony Tony Chopper Studying medicine Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Figuarts ZERO Wanokuni Tony Tony Chopper (Chopaemon)
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Real Figure & Stainless Steel Mug: Tony Tony Chopper
Plastic, 7-Eleven
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Portrait Of Pirates "Edition-Z" Tony Tony Chopper Mangart Beams T Ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji with One Piece Treasure Cruise: Chopper and Carrot
Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji One Piece Anniversary: Tony Tony Chopper Uchiiri
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Mega Cat Project One Piece Nyan Piece Nyaan! Kaizokuou ni Ore ha Naru Nyan!: Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0

The Grandline Men Wano Kuni Vol.8 Tony Tony Chopper
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy -WT100 Memorial Eiichiro Oda Draws 100 Great Pirates-
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure -WT100 Memorial Eiichiro Oda Draws a Great Pirate Hyakukei 1-: Chopper
MABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles One Piece Series 1: Tony Tony Chopper
Vinyl, Unknown
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

One Piece World Collectable Figure -Kumamoto Fukkou Project-: Chopper
bronze, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

One Piece DXF ~The Grandline Series~ Wano Country Vol.21 Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0

Ichiban Kuji Art of Chopper Vintage Creatures: Tony Tony Chopper & Negative Hollow
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0

The Grandline Men Film Red DXF Figure Vol.5 Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0