Monkey D. Luffy
Японское имя: | モンキー・D・ルフィ |
Прозвище: | Straw Hat, Straw-chan, Monkey-chan, Straw-boy |
Возраст: 19 (17 до таймскипа)
День рождения: 5 мая
Рост: 175 см
Награда за поимку: 500,000,000 белли (ранее 30,000,000; 100,000,000; 300,000,000 и 400,000,000)
Сэйю: Маюми Танака
Место рождения: Ист Блю, Королевство Гоа, деревня Фусчия
Дьявольский фрукт: Гому-Гому но Ми, парамеция. Делает тело резиновым, позволяя ему растягиваться и даруя все свойства резины, например, электроизоляцию. Видимо этим же объясняются невероятная физическая сила, скорость и выносливость.
История умалчивает о том, как именно Луффи провел первые годы своей жизни и познакомился с Шанксом. Однако факт остается фактом — красноволосый пират вдохновил Луффи на пиратскую судьбу и поиск Ван Писа. И шрам под глазом Луффи напоминает ему о том, что в раннем детстве мальчик сам себя поранил и едва не вырезал себе глаз, пытаясь доказать Шанксу, что уже является мужчиной. Более того, однажды Шанкс спас жизнь маленького Луффи, пожертвовав ради этого левой рукой. Неудивительно, что уже в семь лет Луффи обрел кумира, подарившего ему ту самую соломенную шляпу. Бедный дедушка морпех Монки Д. Гарп подумать даже не мог, что нещадные тренировки на выживание в горах и джунглях, которые он устраивал для внука, разовьют недюжинную выносливость в будущем… пирате.
Как только мальчику стукнуло 17, он погрузил свою тушку в лодку, водрузил подле себя пафосное подобие пиратского флага и отправился в гордом одиночестве в открытый океан, нисколько не беспокоясь о том факте, что в случае чего он пойдет ко дну топором. Впрочем, удача сдружилась с обнаглевшим парнем — настолько, что он в краткие сроки успел собрать пиратскую команду, получить себе корабль, проскочить на Гранд Лайн и к текущему моменту заработать немаленькую цену за свою голову.
Не особо высокий паренек со стройным, но мускулистым телосложением. Волосы черные, коротко стриженные и взьерошенные; глаза широко распахнутые, с любопытством глядящие на мир; под левым глазом — тонкая полоска шрама. Спойлер Вне критических ситуаций образ довершает ещё и улыбка «счастливого идиота» от уха до уха.
Одежда — красная (в арке Триллер Барка оранжевая, в Амазон Лили — синяя) жилетка, легкие сандалии да голубые (иногда черные или красные) шорты до колена. Неизменная потертая соломенная шляпа, подаренная ему Шанксом, Спойлер с красной лентой является единственной его материальной ценностью и сохраняет свое законное место на голове, либо за плечами. За лентой шляпы с Арабасты находилась «карта жизни» (Библиокарта) Портгаса Д. Эйса.
Наивно-восторженный — когда нет особых проблем, по-идиотски самоотверженный — когда под угрозой жизнь или свобода накама. Несмотря на то, что зачастую Луффи ведет себя более чем глупо, в ситуациях, требующих капитанского вмешательства, он принимает единственно правильные решения. Вообще у Луффи очень хорошо развита интуиция (к примеру, он всегда вычленяет среди противников наиболее сильного и выбирает его себе в оппоненты). Легко и непринужденно реагирует на насмешки, практически не обозляясь. Настойчив до победного конца, уверен в себе и в команде. Да и просто — верит людям, верит в людей. Но при смертельной опасности своих товарищей или соломенной шляпы Шанкса он может и убить.
У Луффи множество нелогичных привычек. Вне боя он не слушает окружающих, часто отвлекается и уходит от сути дела, также может ни с того ни с сего заснуть прямо посреди разговора. Если что-то задумал, то так и сделает, уровень безрассудности и странности желания его не волнует.
Любит сидеть на носу корабля, поглощать мясо в неограниченных количествах, распивать с накама неопределённые алкогольные напитки и искать дюжину с хвостиком приключений на свою соломенную шляпу.
Большинство атак Луффи основаны на силе дьявольского фрукта. Так как в детстве по неосторожности съел «Гому-гому Фрукт», стал «резиновым человеком», может растягивать любую часть своего тела и отражать пули, ядра и прочие заряды огнестрельного оружия.
The Grandline Men DXF Figure Vol.3 Monkey D. Luffy Red Coat ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 12 | Comments: 0
Wanted Mugiwara Pirates Collection: Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
PVC, ABS, Plex
Rating: 6 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Men DXF Figure Vol.4 Monkey D. Luffy Blue Coat Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Men DXF Figure Vol.5 Monkey D. Luffy Sabaody Archipelago Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0
OP Log Box: The Under Water Prison Impel Down: Buggy the Clown, Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
P.O.P Mugiwara Theater Limited Monkey D. Luffy Impel Down ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
P.O.P Mugiwara Theater Limited Monkey D. Luffy Marineford ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
P.O.P Mugiwara Theater Limited Monkey D. Luffy Sabaody ver.
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece Petit Chara Land Strong World Fruit Party: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Halloween Special~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.3: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Strong World~ ver.5: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure vol. 5: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: -2 | Comments: 0
Door Painting Collection Figure Monkey D. Luffy The Three Musketeers Ver.
1/7, PVC, Plex
Rating: 21 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Monkey D. Luffy
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 50 | Comments: 3
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Marineford Saishuu Kessen Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol.2 Arabasta Fierce Fighting: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Log Box: Marineford Part 2: Akainu & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 5 | Comments: 1
One Piece World Collectable Figure vol. 1: Monkey D Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Boco Bottle Cap Opener Bottle 01 One Piece 1: Monkey D Luffy
PVC, ABS, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: -2 | Comments: 1
One Piece World Collectable Figure vol.3: Nigthmare Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Log Box: Senka no Nokoribi: Jinbei & Monkey D. Luffy & Silvers Rayleigh
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Super One Piece Styling - Reunited Pirates: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 1
Super One Piece Styling -EX Gigantic: Monkey D. Luffy & Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece ~Kaizokuki no Shita ni~: Monkey D Luffy
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece ~Kaizokuki no Shita ni~: Monkey D Luffy
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Attack Motions Battle of Deep Sea: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
P.O.P Strong Edition Monkey D. Luffy LAWSON Limited Color
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates LIMITED EDITION Monkey D. Luffy Jump Festa Special
1/8, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 15 | Comments: 1
Super One Piece Styling - Reunited Pirates: Luffy Secret Ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Desktop Real McCoy: Luffy, Robin and Tony Tony Chopper Zozo Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 10 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen vol.2 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 27 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Romance Dawn for the New World Last Part: Luffy Monkey D.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Chess Piece Collection R ONE PIECE Vol.1: Monkey D.Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 11 | Comments: 1
One Piece Styling 4 Grand Holiday: Monkey D. Luffy & Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Monkey D. Luffy & Red-Haired Shanks
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 12 | Comments: 2
Portrait Of Pirates Original Series (Series 1): Monkey D. Luffy
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates LIMITED EDITION Monkey D. Luffy 3D: Mugiwara Chase Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0
Half Age Characters One Piece Promise of the Straw Hat: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Half Age Characters One Piece Promise of the Straw Hat: Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Chess Piece Collection R One Piece Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Kawaranu Yume to Chikai Special: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Children DXF Figure Luffy Ultimate Cruise SP Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.1: Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Film Z: Monkey D Luffy Battle Ver.
Rating: -1 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Film Z: Monkey D Luffy Sailing Ver.
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Chouzokei Damashii One Piece Battle of Fishman Island: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE Log Box Sorezore no Seichou Hen: Monkey D. Luffy VS Hody Jones
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE Log Box Sorezore no Seichou Hen: Luffy & Jinbei & Robin & Chopper
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Petit Chara Land - Sky! Parasol Ver ★ Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
PVC, ABS , MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.3: Monkey D Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Supremacy~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
One Piece Bottle Cap - H.A.T. Beverage Vol. 3 New World Arc - Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Halloween Special 2~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 10 | Comments: 0
Anime Heroes ONE PIECE vol.7 Sabaody Archipelago Arc: Luffy Secret Ver.
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Anime Heroes ONE PIECE vol.7 Sabaody Archipelago Arc: Luffy Clear Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 1
Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.5 Ennis Lobby Arc: Luffy (childhood)
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Log Box: Senka no Nokoribi: Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates MILD CB-EX Brothers Bond Monkey D. Luffy
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 37 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Punk Hazard Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 6 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Punk Hazard Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy Card Stand Figure
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Monkey D. Luffy & Rod Lucchi Card Stand Figure
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Sir Crocodile and Monkey D. Luffy Card Stand Figure
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Ace
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Memories: Monkey D. Luffy and Red-Haired Shanks Pastel Color Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0
Hybrid Grade From TV Animation One Piece 02: Monkey D. Luffy Premium Rare
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Chouzokei Damashii - Chozokei Damashii Movie Edition ''One Piece Film Z'': Monkey D. Luffy Last Battle Costume ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Pepsi NEX x One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy Viking ver.
PVC, ABS, Individual sculptor
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~1st season~ vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 7 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Vol.34: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 6 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Film Z Adventure in the New World: Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures BIG Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen III vol.3 Nightmare Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 13 | Comments: 1
One Piece The Under Water Prison IMPELDOWN: Monkey D. Luffy and Buggy the Clown
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece The Under Water Prison IMPELDOWN: Magellan and Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ochatomo Series ONE PIECE ~Kaizoku-tachi no Tea Time~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 8 | Comments: 0
I'm Gonna Be The King Of The Pirates Luffy Rubber Keychain
Soft vinyl, Cospa
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Weekly Shonen Jump 40 Years x Panson Works Special: Monkey D. Luffy
Soft Vinyl, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Super One Piece Styling ~Film Z Special~ Luffy vs Neo Marines Set: Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Super One Piece Styling Coliseum Of Fierce Fight: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 11 | Comments: 0
Super One Piece Styling EX Kimono Style: Luffy Jump Festa limited color ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece Memories of Merry Pirates Figures Vol. 1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: -1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Top Tank ver.~: Luffy (TT01)
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Top Tank ver.~: Luffy (TT02)
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Top Tank ver.~: Luffy (TT03)
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Top Tank ver.~: Luffy (TT04)
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji History of Zoro ~Special edition~: Luffy Figure+α
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji History of Luffy: Ace & Luffy Figure+α Brotherhood set
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji History of Luffy: Luffy, Ace and Sabo childhood Special color ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~2nd season~ vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~2nd season~ vol.3: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 8 | Comments: 1
One Piece World Collectable Figure The Ryugu Palace Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
One Piece Real Figure Keychain ~Halloween 2013~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~Iron Pirate!! Franky Shogun~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 1
One Piece World Collectable Figure ~One Piece Film Z~ vol.5: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, ATBC-PVC , Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece History of Ace Key Holder: Monkey D. Luffy and Gomu Gomu no Mi
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Kawaranu Yume to Chikai Special: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Chess Piece Collection R "Strong 9" Special Collaboration Set: Luffy & Yun
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 8 | Comments: 0
One Pece WANTED Poster Metal Charm Strap: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Epoxy Resin, Gourmandise
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Mini Merry Attack: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Door Painting Collection Figure Monkey D. Luffy The Three Musketeers 1.5 Ver.
1/7, PVC, Plex
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.1 ~Taru shinsei-hen~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.4 ~Collie Barrel Colosseum~: Gladiator Lucy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Assembled Vignette One Piece For the New World: Monkey D. Luffy and Tony Tony Chopper
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Theater ~Various Time~: Monkey D. Luffy and Tony Tony Chopper ~Obahan Time~
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Corrida Colosseum: Monkey D. Luffy Secret #2
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Gigantic Series Monkey D. Luffy New World Ver.
1/4, ABS, PVC, Soft Vinyl, X-PLUS
Rating: 17 | Comments: 4
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.5 ~Taruiri no ichimi~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~3rd season~ vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~3rd season~ vol.4: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 1
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Dressrosa Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy Rubber Strap
PVC, Rubber, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece High Spec Coloring Figure Vol.4: Monkey D. Luffy Red Coat Ver.
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Chara Fortune Strong World Suit boy SET: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Episode ~Drum Kingdom~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Episode ~Drum Kingdom~: Monkey D. Luffy Sepia Color ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Generation of Worst: Monkey D. Luffy Figure+α
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
World Collectable Figure One Piece -History of Sabo-: Monkey D Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen IV Vol.4 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 28 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.6 Memory of Fusha Village: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle vol.6 Memory of Fusha Village: Ace, Sabo & Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece Petit Chara Land Strong World Fruit Party: Monkey D. Luffy Green Version
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Z Rubber Strap: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Mascot: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Union Creative International Ltd
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection EX Go Go Chopperman: Giant Luffy Bomber
PVC, ABS , Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Kawaranu Yume to Chikai Special Sepia: Monkey D. Luffy Ver 1
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Kawaranu Yume to Chikai Special Sepia: Monkey D. Luffy Ver. 2
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Dressrosa Battle Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy Rubber Strap
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figures vol. 35: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Passionate Bonds Hen~: Monkey D Luffy Card Stand Figure
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Special Color: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS , Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Statue -One Piece Film Z-: Monkey D. Luffy Metallic Color ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Hybrid Grade From TV Animation One Piece 01: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Hybrid Grade From TV Animation One Piece 01: Monkey D. Luffy Premium Rare
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Hybrid Grade From TV Animation One Piece 02: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~5th Season~ vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle Vol.7 ~Popular Barrel~ Hen: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Chouzokei Damashii One Piece (6) Hundred Million Over Rookie: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Darun Rubber Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace & Sabo
PVC, Movic
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy & Trafalgar Law -5th Anniversary Edition-
ABS, PVC, Bandai
Rating: 40 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece History of Law: Monkey D. Luffy Rubber Strap
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "Sailing Again" Monkey D. Luffy 2nd Ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 27 | Comments: 4
One Piece Mini Figure Set: Monkey D. Luffy, Young Luffy and Shanks
Rating: 2 | Comments: 2
One Piece Going Merry Pirates Assemble Mini Figure Set: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Polystone Collection Scene 0-2: Monkey D. Luffy VS Kuro
Polystone, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Premier Summer Keychain Collection: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Premier Summer Keychain Collection: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Premier Summer Keychain Collection: Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo
PVC, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece Premier Summer Keychain Collection: Monkey D. Luffy Secret ver.
PVC, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~4th season~ vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~military style~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
CHARA FORTUNE Cookie Series ONE PIECE Biscuit Fortune Telling: Monkey D.Luffy
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
CHARA FORTUNE Cookie Series ONE PIECE Biscuit Fortune Telling: Monkey D.Luffy
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
CHARA FORTUNE Cookie Series ONE PIECE Biscuit Fortune Telling: Monkey D.Luffy Chocolate Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
CHARA FORTUNE Cookie Series ONE PIECE Biscuit Fortune Telling: Monkey D.Luffy Strawberry Ver.
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Luffy Family 8 (FC8): Monkey D.Luffy Special Ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Darun Rubber Strap Collection DressRosa Hen: Gladiator Lucy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "KABUKI-EDITION" Monkey D. Luffy
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 62 | Comments: 11
One Piece Collection Pirate Crew Heroes (FC7): Luffy Gear 2nd
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Pirate Crew Heroes (FC7): Luffy Gear 3rd
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Ura Zoukeiou Choujou Kessen Luffy Gear 4th
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 8 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~military style~: Monkey D. Luffy Special Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -DressRosa-: Gladiator Lucy
ABC, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Mugiwara no Ichimi, Koukai no Kiseki~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 8 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Mugiwara no Ichimi, Koukai no Kiseki~: Monkey D. Luffy Last One Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Sakihokore! Enshoku Mugiwara Emaki: Monkey D. Luffy Desktop Figure
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Style Up-: Slim Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Style Up-: Fat Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE Glittery Acrylic Charm Collection -Gochisou Hen-: Luffy
Acrylic, POMMOP
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Mugiwara no Ichimi, Koukai no Kiseki~: Monkey D. Luffy Desktop Figure
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Mugiwara no Ichimi, Koukai no Kiseki~: Monkey D. Luffy Shiny Color Ver. Desktop Figure
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Anime Heroes ONE PIECE Vol.1 ~Grand Line Totsunyu Hen~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol.4 ~Water Seven Hen + α~: Monkey D. Luffy Ver. 2
PVC, Popy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol. 8 Impel Down: Monkey D. Luffy Blue Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol.10 Marineford Part 2: Monkey D. Luffy Childhood Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Anichara Heroes One Piece Vol.10 Marineford Part 2: Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece x Panson Works Mini Figure Collection: Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece x Panson Works Chara-Heroes Figure Collection Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece x Panson Works Chara-Heroes Figure Collection Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy Secret Ver.
PVC, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Rubber Strap Collection Barrel Colle Vol.9 ~Hat Barrel~ Hen: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Men One Piece Film Gold Monkey D. Luffy (B)
PVC, ABS , Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ochatomo Series One Piece Kaizoku-Tachi no Utage: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Chara Fortune Strawhat Pirates: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -FIGHT!!-: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -One Piece Film Gold- Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS , Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Thousand Sunny Playset Ver. With Brook without Sound Effect Before Timeskip
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
MoguMogu ONE PIECE Umeemon wa Umee! Rubber Mascot: Monkey D. Luffy
Rubber, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy -ONE PIECE FILM GOLD Opening Ver.-
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
King of Artist Monkey D. Luffy ~Coloring Tenkaichi Budoukai Ver.~
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 8 | Comments: 1
One Piece Barrel Colle Rubber Strap Collection Vol.10 ~Two Person Barrel (Ni Nin Daru)~ Hen: Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law
PVC, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen V (Special) Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -DressRosa 3-: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
World Collectable Figure One Piece Film Gold Special Color Ver.: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ochatomo Series One Piece Mugiwara Store Limited Gold Edition: Monkey D. Luffy & Tony Tony Chopper Gold Ver.
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Monkey D. Luffy Gear 4 Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun
1/15, Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 5 | Comments: 2
Variable Action Heroes Monkey D. Luffy Past Blue Ver. Yellow
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 9 | Comments: 4
One Piece Tsumamare Earphone Jack Accessory: Monkey D. Luffy Gear 4
PVC, Cospa
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen VI Vol.3 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 8 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "SA-MAXIMUM" Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth Boundman Ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 14 | Comments: 6
One Piece Capsule Rubber Mascot ~Garuchuu! Mugiwara no Ichimi!!~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Universal Studios Japan Metal Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy
metal, Universal Studios Japan
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece The Naked ~2017 One Piece Body Calendar~ Vol.5: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece The Naked ~2017 One Piece Body Calendar~ Vol.5: Monkey D. Luffy Black Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Archive Collection No.7 Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth
PVC, ABS, Plex
Rating: 4 | Comments: 1
Monkey D. Luffy and Rayleigh Silvers training in the New World
Resin, JacksDo
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Collection Sneaking In! Impel Down!! (FC13): Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy Shabondy Island Ver.
ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy One Piece 20th Anniversary ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ochatomo Series One Piece Kaizoku-Tachi no Utage Vol. 3: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -History Relay 20th- Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, MABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE Capsule Rubber Mascot~20th Special ver.~: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates LIMITED EDITION Monkey D. Luffy Ver. 20th
PVC, ABS, MABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 1
Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami & Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 15 | Comments: 2
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen VI Vol.3 Monkey D. Luffy Special Color Ver.
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece 20th Anniversary: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami & Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law Classic Color Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Online One Piece 20th Anniversary World Collectable Figure Party: Bartolomeo & Boa Hancock & Monkey D. Luffy & Nami 7 Portgas D. Ace & Roronoa Zoro & Sabo & Salome & Sanji & Tony Tony Chopper & Trafalgar Law Special Blue Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "KABUKI-EDITION" Monkey D. Luffy Saien Ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 16 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -20th Limited- Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure - Tangonosetsuku -: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
MoguMogu One Piece Sanji's Kitchen -Brunch- Rubber Mascot: Monkey D. Luffy
Rubber, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Figure Selection One Piece Extra Closet ~Re:Members Log~ World Collectable Figure: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Chojho Kessen World: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Weekly Shonen Jump 50th Anniversary ~Jump All Stars~ PoteKoro Mascot: Monkey D. Luffy
Polyester, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Toy'sworks Collection Niitengomu One piece -Whole Cake Island Hen- : Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Toy's Works
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Metal Charm Strap Whole Cake Island Hen : Monkey D. Luffy
Stainless Steel, Metal, Xebec Toys
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -History Relay 20th- Vol.4: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, MABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE x PansonWorks Ball Chain Plush Mascot Vol.6: Monkey D. Luffy
plush, cloth, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Kagayaki- Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece Mitsubishi Episode of Chopper Campaign Figure Mascots: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
MQ Resin One piece x The Avengers Series Monkey D. Luffy as Captain America
1/6, Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece Archive Collection Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth Boundman Ver.
PVC , Plex
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Archive Collection Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth Kong Gun Ver.
PVC , Plex
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Monkey D. Luffy Silver Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 3: Monkey D. Luffy Clear Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Chocolate Snack Action Pose Collection Kuroshima Hen: Monkey D. Luffy and Going Merry
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Chocolate Snack Action Pose Collection Kuroshima Hen: Monkey D. Luffy and Going Merry Ver. 2
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Mugiwara 56 Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 2: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: -1 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 2: Monkey D. Luffy Silver Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Petit Pong Character Series TV Anime One Piece Part 2: Monkey D. Luffy Clear Ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
SD Strawhat Pirates Crew Set - Chinese New Year Edition ver.
Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Whole Cake Island 2-: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Whole Cake Island 1-: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
MochiMochi Hamster Collection ONE PIECE: Monkey D. Luffy
Polyester, Polyurethane, Broccoli
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth -Leo Bazooka- Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai
Rating: 5 | Comments: 0
"Bet On The New Age" Shanks and Childhood Monkey D. Luffy with Sea King
Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 3 | Comments: 1
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Choujoukessen World 2018 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 13 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Zodiac Vol.2-: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Jump 50th Anniversary World Collectable Figure vol.3: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
SD Battle Series "Gear Fourth Snakeman" Monkey D. Luffy VS Charlotte Katakuri
Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Chou Gekisen Extra Battle Monkey D. Luffy The Snakeman Ver.
PVC, ABS, Bandai
Rating: 0 | Comments: 1
Portrait Of Pirates "SA-MAXIMUM" Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth Snakeman ver.
1/8, PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 11 | Comments: 11
One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Monkey D. Luffy Full Stomach Ver.
soft PVC (Rubber), Cospa
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Tsumamare Pinched Strap: Monkey D. Luffy Dozing Ver.
soft PVC (Rubber), Cospa
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Toy's Works Collection Niitengomu ONE PIECE -Childhood Hen-: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Chara-Ani
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
World Collectible Figure One Piece Leisure Rally III: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Choujoukessen World 2018: Luffy Special Color Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Tokyo One Piece Tower 4th Anniversary Standing Acrylic Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy
Sunny Grove
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Log Collection Statue Monkey D. Luffy
Polystone, PVC, Transparent Resin, Plex
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figure Colosseum SCultures Zoukeiou Choujoukessen World Special: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ONE PIECE ALL STAR: Monkey D. Luffy The Movie Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ONE PIECE ALL STAR: Monkey D. Luffy The Movie Special Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Kyoku no Kengou-tachi: Monkey D. Luffy Tarou Ver.
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Character Ranking Acrylic Stand: Monkey D. Luffy
Acrylic, Brass, KOBI co., ltd.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Collection Volume 1: Chopper New Nakama Feast
Acrylic, Shueisha
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Collection Volume 1: Luffy, Usopp and Chopper
Acrylic, Shueisha
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Wano Zenkoku-hen ~Daiichimaku~: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 4 | Comments: 0
One Piece Film Gold Be@rbrick Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy Golden Ver.
ABS, Medicom Toy
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece Super Effect Figure Keychain -Fish-Man Island Edition-: Luffy
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Battle of Luffy Whole Cake Island: Monkey D. Luffy Snakeman Ver.
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Battle of Luffy Whole Cake Island: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Battle of Luffy Whole Cake Island: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Chou Gekisen -Extra Battle- Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Battle Memories: Luffy Gear 4 Snakeman
PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Marineford Hen~: Card Stand Figure Monkey D. Luffy Marineford Chapter ver.
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Marineford Hen~: Strap Monkey D. Luffy Marineford Chapter ver.
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Samurai Style Monkey D. Luffy (Exclusive)
1/6, PU, Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Samurai Style Monkey D. Luffy (Regular)
1/6, PU, Resin, Individual sculptor
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Battle Memories: Luffy Gear 4 Boundman
PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World One Piece ~Kaizokuki no Shita ni~: Monkey D. Luffy Strap
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Wanokuni Monkey D. Luffy (Luffytarou)
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Legends Over Time: Monkey D. Luffy ~ Roger Cloak Ver. ~
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
One Piece Real Figure & Stainless Steel Mug: Monkey D. Luffy
Plastic, 7-Eleven
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "SA-MAXIMUM" Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth, Boundman Ver.2
1/8, ABS, PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 5 | Comments: 2
Ichiban Kuji with One Piece Treasure Cruise Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy Gear 4 Boundman Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji with One Piece Treasure Cruise Vol.2: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Wano Kuni 5: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
King of Artist Monkey D. Luffy Gear Fourth, The Bound Man Ver.
PVC, Banpresto
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
King of Artist Monkey D. Luffy Gear 4 Wano Country Ver.
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji with One Piece Treasure Cruise: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Anniversary: Monkey D. Luffy Uchiiri
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece ~Kyoudai no Kizuna~: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Mega Cat Project One Piece Nyan Piece Nyaan! Kaizokuou ni Ore ha Naru Nyan!: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Monkey D. Luffy -WT100 Memorial Eiichiro Oda Draws 100 Great Pirates-
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece WT100 Memorial Eiichiro Oda Draws 100 Great Pirates: Monkey D. Luffy
Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -WT100 Memorial Eiichiro Oda Draws a Great Pirate Hyakukei 2-: Monkey D. Luffy
MABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles One Piece Series 1: Monkey D. Luffy
Vinyl, Unknown
Rating: -1 | Comments: 0
Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles One Piece Series 1: Monkey D. Luffy Manga Mono Ver.
Vinyl, Unknown
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece withCAT Eye Mask Plush Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy
Iron, Polyester, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One piece Amimaru Plush Keychain Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
Iron, Polyester, Movic
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece ALL STAR COLLECTION Plush: Monkey D. Luffy
Polyester, PE, Sanei Boeki
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Mega Cat Project One Piece Nyan Piece Nyaan! Luffy and Rivals Part: Luffy
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure -Kumamoto Fukkou Project-: Luffy
bronze, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
Ichiban Kuji One Piece Emotional Stories: Revible Moment Luffy & Shanks
Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece DXF ~The Grandline Series~ Wano Country Vol.4 Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
S.H.Figuarts Monkey D. Luffy The Raid on Onigashima
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 3 | Comments: 1
One Piece Dramatic Showcase ~4th season~ vol.1: Red-Haired Shanks
PVC, ABS, Banpresto
Rating: 24 | Comments: 0
King of Artist Monkey D. Luffy Wano Country II Ver.
PVC, ABC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Men DXF Figure Set Sail China Wind Monkey D. Luffy
ABS, PVC, PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Chou Gekisen -Extra Battle Spectacle- Monkey D. Luffy -Gouka Kenjuu-
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 3 | Comments: 0
Mega Cat Project One Piece Nyan Piece Nyan! Dai 3-dan: Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, MegaHouse
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Figuarts ZERO Chou Gekisen -Extra Battle- Kaidou of the Beasts -Twin Dragons-
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates "WA-MAXIMUM" Monkey D. Luffy Gear 5
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 12 | Comments: 2
ONE PIECE Ultimate Crew Vol.2 Hologram Plate Keychain: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
ONE PIECE Ultimate Crew Hologram Plate Keychain Vol.1: Monkey D. Luffy
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
DXF Figure ~The Grandline Series~ Extra Monkey D. Luffy Gear 5
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
S.H.Figuarts Monkey D. Luffy (A Netflix Series: ONE PIECE)
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: -2 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Monkey D. Luffy Special: Gear 5
ABS PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 2 | Comments: 0
Portrait Of Pirates ”NEO-MAXIMUM” Luffy & Ace ~Brotherly Bonds~ 20th LIMITED Ver.
PVC, ABS, MegaHouse
Rating: 7 | Comments: 1
The Grandline Men Film Red DXF Figure Vol.6 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 0 | Comments: 0
The Grandline Men Film Red DXF Figure Vol.1 Monkey D. Luffy
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
World Collectable Figure Vol.1 A Netflix Series One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy
ABS PVC, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0
One Piece World Collectable Figure Log Stories: Luffy and Zoro
PVC, ABS, Bandai Spirits
Rating: 1 | Comments: 0