Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen
Другие названия:
The Last Battlefield Between You and I, or Perhaps the Beginning of the World's Holy War Последнее поле брани между тобой и мной, или Святая война сотворения мира Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World |
Tип: | TV (12 эп.), 23 мин. |
Эфир: |
7 октября, 2020 -
23 декабря, 2020
трансляция окончена |
Жанры: |
Экшн Фентези Романтика Военное |
Студия: |
Silver Link. |
Рейтинг: | 7 |
Среднее: | 6.88 (17 голосов) |
Схватили: | 40 |
A great war has raged for years between the scientifically advanced Empire and Nebulis, the realm of the witches―until the youngest knight ever to receive the title of the Empire's strongest meets the princess of the rival nation. Though they are sworn enemies, the knight is taken by her beauty and dignity, and the princess is moved by his strength and way of life. Will the fighting between them ever be allowed to end?
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